Superclasses of Smalltalk::Class_class (9 FAMIXClasses)
-> press blueprint
browser mondrian
title: 'Blueprint';
painting: [ :view :each | each viewBlueprintOn: view ];
each is a FAMIXClassGroup and it does not understand viewBlueprintOn:
<menuItem: 'Open in Moose'>
| browser pragmas |
browser := GLMFinder new.
browser title: 'Moose Finder - ', self mooseName.
browser list
searchOn: [:text :list | list select: (Compiler evaluate: '[:each |
| entity | entity := each.', text, ']') ];
display: #mooseInterestingEntity;
format: #mooseName;
title: [ :each | each class name ];
when: [:input | (input mooseInterestingEntity isKindOf: MooseGroup)
or: [input mooseInterestingEntity isKindOf: Collection] ];
actions: [ :list | list selection mooseInterestingEntity
mooseFinderActions ].
browser list
title: 'Entity';
display: [ :anObject |
pragmas := anObject mooseInterestingEntity class
withAllSuperclasses flatCollect: [ :each |
Pragma allNamed: #navigation: in: each ].
(pragmas collect: [ :each | anObject mooseInterestingEntity
perform: each selector ]) select: [ :each | each isCollection and:
[ each isEmpty not ] ] ];
actions: [ :list | list selection mooseFinderActions ].
" browser magritte
description: [ :anObject | anObject mooseDescription
asMagritteDescription ];
title: 'Editor'."
browser mondrian
title: 'Complexity';
painting: [ :view :each | each viewSystemComplexityOn: view ];
when: [:input | input mooseInterestingEntity isKindOf:
browser mondrian
title: 'Blueprint';
painting: [ :view :each | each viewBlueprintOn: view ];
when: [:input | input mooseInterestingEntity isKindOf: FAMIXClass].
browser text
display: [ :entity | 'self' ];
title: 'Evaluator';
update: #selection on: $o entitled: 'Open script (o)' with:
[ :text :entity | Compiler evaluate: text selectedText for: entity
mooseInterestingEntity logged: false ];
act: [ :text :entity | (Compiler evaluate: text selectedText for:
entity mooseInterestingEntity logged: false) inspect ] on: $/
entitled: 'Inspect script (/)'.
browser openOn: self.
^ browser