model := someObject.
outer := ROElement spriteOn: model.
innerChildren := ROElement spriteOn: model.
innerLabel := ROElement labelOn: model.
outer add: innerLabel; add: innerChildren.
and then wanting to add edges between elements. To do this I will need to search the
View for the two elements matching model objects that need to be connected.
Yes, this is a limitation of the Mondrian DSL. However, since you are working with the
core of Roassal, this should not be a problem.
Using code taken from the Roassal Easel <Find>
button as an example...
stack firstView elementsDo: [ :el |
el isNotEdge ifTrue: [ allModels add: el -> el model printString ] ].
I am not clear of the effect on searching the graph that having the three elements inner,
innerLabel and outer with the same model will have.
It is true that the find button expect all the model to be different. Maybe the textual
representation of the element can be delegate to a dedicated object to particular.
Alexandre Bergel