On 17 févr. 2010, at 15:09, Laval Jannik wrote:
For sure, I can :),
But maybe you want a dsm to see cycles ?
To do simple, isAbstract is defined in Famix-Core, but all other isSomething are defined
in FamixExtensions.
It seems to be correct to move it with other test methods.
yeah, but why does isAbstract create a cycle?
For the ret, maybe we could do this:
>> extend method>>
Smalltalk::FAMIXPackage.definedMethods() in Famix-Extensions.
it is an alias of
self methods, it should be in Famix-Implementations
>> extend method>>
Smalltalk::FAMIXPackage.localClasses() in Famix-Extensions.
it is an alias of self
classes, it should be in Famix-Implementations
>> extend method>>
Smalltalk::FAMIXPackage.extendedClasses() in Famix-Extensions.
>> extend method>> Smalltalk::FAMIXPackage.extendedClassesGroup() in
>> extend method>> Smalltalk::FAMIXPackage.extensionClasses() in
>> extend method>> Smalltalk::FAMIXPackage.extensionClassesGroup() in
>> extend method>> Smalltalk::FAMIXPackage.extensionMethods() in
>> extend method>> Smalltalk::FAMIXPackage.localMethods() in
>> extend method>> Smalltalk::FAMIXPackage.localClassesGroup() in
These methods are used by Cook, which is in Famix-Extension now.
But I will try something else.
Jannik, if we rewrite the cook queries with the Chef API, those dependencies will
disappear right? And we can keep smalltalkish stuff in Famix-Smalltalk. I still find it
more disturbing that Cook depends on some Smalltalk stuff, and moving this stuff in
Extensions feels a bit like sweeping it under the carpet.