hello people, someone knows how to do this actions (increase/decrease)
on a Mondrian Pane using Glamour, something like this script with the
button action
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #mpanel.
browser actions: [:root|
{GLMAction new
title: 'increase';
action: [ ??? ]; "<-- what can i put here ?"
icon: MenuIcons smallWindowIcon }].
browser transmit to: #mpanel;
andShow: [:a|
a mondrian
painting: [:view | view nodes: (1 to: 10)]].
browser openOn: {}.
i see the MOEasel code like reference, but it's using a MOCanvas and
MORoot... so i don't know how to do same things with Glamour code...
can i get the MOCanvas from "mondrian pane" ?
can i put a MOCanvas on a Glamour pane ?
something else in order to manipulate the size ?
thanks !
Estudiante de Ingeniería Civil en Computación.
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas.
Universidad de Chile.