Comment #10 on issue 884 by benjamin...(a) The Roassal presentation
should react to custom ports
btw, not sure if the following simplifies or adds complication, but if you
load ROSelectionAndExample.2.cs from Issue 894, then you can do the
| browser activeSelection |
activeSelection := ROSelection new
onInclusion: [ :element | ROHighlightElement on: element color: Color red
onExclusion: [ :element | ROUnhighlightElement on: element ].
browser := GLMTabulator new .
browser with:
[ :tabulator |
tabulator column: #index; column: #visualization.
tabulator transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a | a list ].
tabulator transmit to: #visualization; andShowIfNone:
[ :a |
a roassal painting:
[ :view :collection :roassal |
view shape label.
view interaction on: ROMouseLeftClick do: [:ann | (roassal pane port:
#selection) value: ann element model ].
view nodes: collection.
view gridLayout.
roassal on: GLMContextChanged do:
[ :ann |
ann property = #selection ifTrue:
activeSelection clear.
activeSelection add: (ann presentation view raw elementFromModel:
ann value) .
tabulator transmit from: #index; to: #visualization port: #selection.
tabulator transmit from: #visualization port: #selection; to: #index
port: #selection.
browser openOn: #(1 2 3 4 5).