I see that there is a bit of an interest in the GTInspector, so here are some extra info
about it. Beyond the things you can do out-of-the-box with it, the true power of the
inspector comes from its extensibility. The idea is to offer each object an easy way to
exhibit its own characteristics. This changes the way you can think of interacting with
objects. Some more details here:
A new feature is the ability to edit code directly in the methods presentation. Combined
with the possibility of executing a method in place and previewing the result, this opens
the door for a prototype-like programming style.
The GTInspector is part of the Glamorous Toolkit. It is still in its infancy, but I think
it shows that there is a great deal of possibilities to improve the IDE and to depart from
the what we might think is a given. I am still looking for people interested in joining
this effort (remember the idea of the ide taskforce). It would be great to get more people
interested in improving this part of Pharo.
p.s. You can get the Glamorous Inspector in the following ways:
- download the Moose image:
- download Pharo 1.4 (summer) with the Glamorous Inspector:
- load it in Pharo 1.4:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'glamoroust';
package: 'ConfigurationOfGlamoroust';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlamoroust) project version: #development) load:
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