Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 951 by v.blonde...(a) Export then Import a MSE Model
throws FMSyntaxError
I wanted to export and import a MSE file of a Moose Model.
The export works perfectly but the import which throws an FMSyntaxError.
You can reproduce from the Moose Panel by creating a Model from Smalltalk,
export it (Import/export / Export to MSE), and import it.
The pragma in FAMIXMethod>>clientClasses :
<MSEProperty: 'Client classes' type: #FAMIXType> <multivalued>
seems to be the problem. Indeed 'Client Classes' contains a space character
which is
not recognize by the MSE parser.
I resolved by deleting the space.
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