Please send these discussions on the moose-dev mailing list :). They are
important for everyone.
On 20 May 2011, at 14:17, Santiago Vidal wrote:
Great! I was thinking on a visitor too. The
visitor should be used to
collect the data that is displayed in the canvas. On the
other hand, all the
Protovis declaration could be static for each kind of graphic that is
generated by Mondrian. That is because in Protovis only a "mark" is
specified for each kind of data. Anyway, I have to take a closer look of it.
I would like to know if all the kind of shapes
supported by Mondrian are
those under the MOShape hierarchy. Also, in order to
simplify the task, I
would like to define an scenario of use. For example, the html file is going
to be generated after a selection of a button called "generate html5". After
this we may make a generalization.
Finally, can you tell me what do you mean by
"First, start with a system
complexity. Then, add labels and popup."? I
didn't follow you :( Are they
Mondrian components?
2011/5/19 Alexandre Bergel <abergel(a)dcc.uchile.cl>
Hi Santiago,
Apparently, your refactoring did not cause a significant slowdown. This
is cool.
We will see if people start to complain.
I think the next step is to get a hand on ProtoVis. Try to play with it a
bit to
know how it works. You should then be able to produce a visitor that
generates HTML5/Protovis code.
Then, there are two scenarios that we would like you to explore:
- producing html files
- being behind a seaside server
I think that we need to be incremental on the features to covers. First,
with a system complexity. Then, add labels and popup. Handling
interaction will be important. I feel this cannot be effectively done
without being behind a seaside server.
Doru, anything to add?
Alexandre Bergel
Ing. Santiago A. Vidal
ISISTAN Research Institute
UNICEN University
Paraje Arroyo Seco
Campus Universitario
(B7001BBO) Tandil,
Bs. As. - Argentina
Phone: 54 2293 439840 Ext. 42
Fax: 54 2293 439681
Email: svidal(a)exa.unicen.edu.ar
"One cannot do more than one can do."
Ing. Santiago A. Vidal
ISISTAN Research Institute
UNICEN University
Paraje Arroyo Seco
Campus Universitario
(B7001BBO) Tandil,
Bs. As. - Argentina
Phone: 54 2293 439840 Ext. 42
Fax: 54 2293 439681
Email: svidal(a)exa.unicen.edu.ar