Hi Doru,
I just added options for shading (on nodes this time) so that you do not have to care
about the colors explicitly.
Now we have the messages for:
- #withShadesOnWeightFromColor:toColor: --> Applies the shading on the weight of the
- #withShadesOnNestingFromColor:toColor: --> Applies the shading on the nesting level
of the node
What's the real difference between a LinearColorNormalizer and #mix:shades: I really
like #mix:shades: :D
In a minute I will also provide what you said for the shaded frames: #withShadedFrames
was an example on how to produce framed tree maps with a single message ;)
On Oct 9, 2013, at 10:47 AM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
Ok, I took a closer look and you already
implemented almost what I said :).
So, let's take a look:
self inset: 1.
self strokeAllNodesWithColorBlock: [ :el |
Color darkGray darker adjustSaturation: (-0.03 * el depth) brightness: (el
depth * 0.08).
This is a good start, but:
- Color darkGray should not be hardcoded
- The actual darkening strategy should not be hardcoded either
I would suggest to use a LinearColorNormalizer instead. This allows you to specify both
the min and max color. What do you say?
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
I just do not understand why colors has the same size as the nodes collection. It should
have the same size as the max nesting level. What do I get wrong?
In any case, I think for shading we need also strategy that hides the implementation
details (so, no explicit color creation). I think that we can just give a min and a max
and then simply use a linear color normalizer internally. Of course, we also need a way to
marry such an implicit strategy with the possibility of custom colors :). Proposals?
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 10:02 AM, roberto.minelli(a)usi.ch <roberto.minelli(a)usi.ch>
Sorry, DropBox messed up the image name. I updated the file ;)
On Oct 9, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymchuk(a)me.com> wrote:
> 404 on dropbox
> On Oct 9, 2013, at 9:30 AM, roberto.minelli(a)usi.ch wrote:
>> Here is another way to visualize the nesting, with frames. It's enough to
call #withShadedFrames. How cool is that?
>> Here's a sample visualization @
>> And here's the script:
>> builder := DFTreeMapBuilder new.
>> builder weightBlock: [ :el | el ].
>> builder nodes: (1 to: 100).
>> builder nestingFromAssociations: (builder nodes allButFirst collect: [:each |
(each // 2) -> each ]).
>> "Some optional configurations parameters"
>> colors := (Color lightBlue) mix: Color blue shades: (builder nodes size).
>> builder colorBlock: [ :el | colors at: el ].
>> builder rootColor: (Color red).
>> builder extent: 521@312.
>> builder origin: 20@20.
>> builder withShadedFrames.
>> builder draw.
>> Roby
>> On Oct 9, 2013, at 8:12 AM, "roberto.minelli(a)usi.ch"
>> wrote:
>>> And yes, now the tree map builder does no longer use z-ordering to lay out
the elements ;)
>>> On Oct 8, 2013, at 12:51 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>
>>>> Ok, excellent!!!
>>>> Alexandre
>>>>> Le 08-10-2013 à 6:44, "roberto.minelli(a)usi.ch"
<roberto.minelli(a)usi.ch> a écrit :
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I made a couple of changes of the builder as per your suggestions. An
updated usage script would be:
>>>>>> builder := DFTreeMapBuilder new.
>>>>>> builder weightBlock: [ :el | el ].
>>>>>> builder nodes: (1 to: 50).
>>>>>> builder nestingFromAssociations: (builder nodes allButFirst
collect: [:each | (each // 2) -> each ]).
>>>>>> "Some optional configurations parameters"
>>>>>> colors := Color green mix: Color blue shades: (builder nodes
>>>>>> builder colorBlock: [ :el | colors at: el ].
>>>>>> builder rootColor: ((Color red) alpha: 0.5).
>>>>>> builder inset: 5.
>>>>>> builder extent: 300@400.
>>>>>> builder origin: 10@30.
>>>>>> "Some node-specific customization"
>>>>>> builder fillNodes: [ :n | (n > 40) ] withColor: (Color
>>>>>> builder fillNode: 50 withColor: (Color yellow).
>>>>>> builder fillNode: 43 withColor: (Color green).
>>>>>> builder strokeNodes: [ :n | (n \\ 2) = 1 ] withColor: (Color
>>>>>> builder strokeNode: 13 withColor: (Color black).
>>>>>> builder strokeNodes: [ :n | (n \\ 6) = 0 ] withWidth: 2.
>>>>>> builder strokeNode: 3 withColor: (Color red).
>>>>>> builder strokeNode: 3 withWidth: 3.
>>>>>> "Using the #drawOn: message for compatibility with
>>>>>> view := ROView new.
>>>>>> view @ RODraggable.
>>>>>> builder drawOn: view.
>>>>>> view open.
>>>>> And the resulting tree map @
>>>>> Now I am converting from z-ordering to nesting. Stay tuned ;)
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Roby
>>>>>> On Oct 7, 2013, at 7:33 PM, Alexandre Bergel
<alexandre.bergel(a)me.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Looks good to me.
>>>>>> Maybe you could have in addition to
>>>>>> DFTreeMapBuilder>>associations:
>>>>>> something
>>>>>> DFTreeMapBuilder>>parent: aBlockOrASymbol
>>>>>> Also, something very important that I forgot to mention, we need
a method DFTreeMapBuilder>>drawOn: aROView
>>>>>> Like that, we should be able to have a treemap when using the
mondrian builder. Using your example, we should have exactly the same result if we do:
>>>>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>>>>> builder := DFTreeMapBuilder new.
>>>>>> builder ... // your example here
>>>>>> view := ROView new.
>>>>>> builder drawOn: view.
>>>>>> view open
>>>>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Alexandre
>>>>>>> On Oct 7, 2013, at 1:07 PM,
"roberto.minelli(a)usi.ch" <roberto.minelli(a)usi.ch> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I finished the first version of the new tree map builder for
>>>>>>> You can find the source code in my SmalltalkHub package
>>>>>>> Gofer new
>>>>>>> smalltalkhubUser: 'RobertoMinelli' project:
>>>>>>> package: 'DevFlow-View';
>>>>>>> load.
>>>>>>> Here's an example usage:
>>>>>>> builder := DFTreeMapBuilder new.
>>>>>>> builder weightBlock: [ :el | el ].
>>>>>>> builder nodes: (1 to: 50).
>>>>>>> builder associations: (builder nodes allButFirst collect:
[:each | (each // 2) -> each ]).
>>>>>>> "Some optional configurations parameters"
>>>>>>> colors := Color white mix: Color blue shades: (builder nodes
>>>>>>> builder colorBlock: [ :el | colors at: el ].
>>>>>>> builder rootColor: ((Color red) alpha: 0.5).
>>>>>>> builder inset: 5.
>>>>>>> builder extent: 500@300.
>>>>>>> builder origin: 10@30.
>>>>>>> builder draw.
>>>>>>> And the resulting tree map!
>>>>>>> [cid:EC2669CC-CA97-4B81-8B1B-B792FBE1C04F@mobile.usilu.net]
>>>>>>> Please tell me what do you think!
>>>>>>> The next steps are:
>>>>>>> - Add customizable interactions
>>>>>>> - Remove z-ordering and use proper nesting
>>>>>>> - Eventually unroll the recursion in the layout algorithm
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Roberto
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>>>>>> Alexandre Bergel
>>>>>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
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