I would really like also that people start to use
SmallLint and the manifest support we built.
Which tool? I am not aware of it. Nautilus does not seem to support SmallLint… How can I
have SmallLint?
This is more than smallLint this is metadata handling so that we do not have to always see
the same false positive.
Hi pharoers
Since a couple of months the Pharo team has been working on improving the support for
rules checking and in particular the handling of false positives (there is nothing more
boring that to get all the time the same warnings that we know are not adequate).
We added a manifest mechanism to manage the false/true positive of SmallLint, the rule
checker of Pharo. A manifest is a class that contains meta data. In the future we may add
package license and package documentation. This data is stored in methods on the meta
side of the class. So, manifest can be versioned in Monticello and not lost. There is one
manifest per package.
It possible to use SmallLint with Manifest using the Critics Browser (menuWorld > Tool
> CriticBrowser). With the Critics browser you can inspect violations of rules and mark
them as false positive or true positive (ToDo) and see previous warnings flagged as false
positives or toDo.
In addition all the logic of the browser has been developed so that the manifest can be
saved within the package without adding dependencies.
We will continue to improve the Browser. In addition we will run SmallLint rules to all
the Pharo packages and the rules checking will be part of the package validation. We want
the community to use rule checking for real so that we all improve.
Simon and Stef
url: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/PharoTaskForces';
package: 'ConfigurationOfManifest';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfManifest) project version: #stable) load