Comment #1 on issue 586 by cy.delau...(a) Compute invocation
candidates with different strategies seems to be broken
I fixed bugs that came from Famix. Now there seems to be some issues from
RoelTyper (When I try to import a big model). For example :
TypeCollector class >> typeInstvar:ofClassWithLookup:
"self typeInstvar: #origin ofClassWithLookup: Quadrangle"
| theClass |
theClass := aClass.
[theClass isNil not
and: [(theClass instVarNames includes: var) not]]
whileTrue: [theClass := theClass superclass].
theClass isNil
ifTrue: [^ ExtractedType new].
^ self typeInstvar: var ofClass: theClass
If it does not find the instance variable, it returns 'ExtractedType new' ,
whereas ExtractedType is an abstract class and should not implement 'new'