That is too low level for me :)
On 26 Apr 2010, at 13:56, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
Last week I had a error due to a strange behaviour: I had an
instance variable and an accessor to this instance variable. The
instance variable is instanciated at the initialization of the
class. When the error occure, the instance variable is not nil (when
inspecting it from the debugger ). But, when evaluating the
accessor, it return nil.
This occure in the pharo 1.0 dev image. I test it this morning on a
clean image and on a click image with moose. It seems that the bug
is specific to moose. If you want to reproduce it:
Download the last version of Merlin from
run the method MerlinExamples class >> parametrizedMorphDropLists.
it should work correctly.
Now restart, load moose (load ConfigurationOfMoose, and evaluate
'ConfigurationOfMoose loadDefault') and then load Merlin from
It should raise an error and you should be able to see this strange
behaviour. From the debugger, evaluate 'self dropList' in
After showing this bug to Marcus, it seems that something is not
weel compiled at one point: browse the method 'dropList' in
dropListPart. Now, click on 'view' and 'byte code'. The offset
indicated is 10 whereas it should be 15
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