On 18 Jun 2011, at 14:50, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
On Jun 17, 2011, at 1:09 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
On 15 Jun 2011, at 21:31, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> Stef,
>> view edges: collection from: block1 to: block2
>> tries to create a edge for "each" element in the "collection"
between the nodes that have the following entities behind:
>> - block1 value: each
>> - block2 value: each
> Ok I finally got it.... but the api sucks
It does not :).
So we were three to be at least confused and two of us did a lot of diagram with
mondrian. May be the api is only usable by 3 + years in mondrian.
Who are those that used Mondrian repeatedly and still cannot figure out what
edges:from:to: means? I can think of several other issues (such as debugging a
visualization), but I cannot imagine that someone cannot remember what a method with 3
parameters does, especially when that method has a long explanatory comment.
so cyrille and jannik are plain silly.
Too bad cyrille and jannik were our expert in mondrian here.
Something does not match. Could we be more specific?
Jannik and Cyrille are certainly not silly, especially that they did manage to write so
many of these little pictures before :). So, it is obvious that what seems to constitute a
problem now, was not a problem a while back.
Please let me know what exactly you did not understand. Was it that it was not clear what
the block is applied to, or was it more that you did not know why an edge was not drawn,
even if you thought that you wrote the right thing knowing what the method does?
And once you read the various examples, is it really that cryptic this method? Please also
consider it from the point of view of the whole sentence: "view edges:from:to:"
I know
significantly more people that can use Mondrian, without knowing Smalltalk even :). That
is not an argument, especially that no better alternative was proposed.
I just wanted to point out that "sucks" can easily spawn a simplistic debate
:). Let's focus on what we want to have.
Something that tells me how to pass the correct arguments and edges: does not work
because these are not the edges that you pass.
buildEdgesFrom: aCollection usingFrom: usingTo:
would be something in the right direction.
I suggest an even better approach:
Stef, this API is really no different than the API of Seaside. It is based a convention.
You could argue in the same way that I do not know that I should pass a block after
"html div: " and what that block should contain.
It is important to clarify the root of the problem, and I still doubt that the problem is
in the name. I believe the problem comes more from the complexity of the operator
(traversal + two transformations for each element + looking up corresponding nodes), and
the lack of debugging possibilities in Mondrian. Or maybe it is something else.
So, let's take the positive side of this experience and see what is needed.
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