Hi Simon,
Indeed, in the case of a table maybe we should also update the panes
upon update. Anyway, this item is since too long an open issue and it
makes metrics under used in the Moose Panel.
On 25 Jan 2010, at 23:44, Simon Denier wrote:
I was thinking about how to make the table widget more
for example being able to dynamically add a column to a table.
It just occurred to me that maybe it was even possible to do it
without getting into the Morphic code, just using Glamour.
So be it. It works.... sort of.... It does not refresh the table
layout but the finder shows it is there.
| finder |
finder := GLMFinder new.
finder table
title: 'Number';
display: [ :x | 1 to: x ];
act: [:p| p column: 'Double' evaluated: [ :each | (each * 2)
asString ]. p update ]
entitled: 'add column';
actions: [ :list | self actionsFor: list ];
column: 'Even' evaluated: [ :each | each even asString ];
column: 'Odd' evaluated: [ :each | each odd asString ].
^ finder
In the end, I guess it's better to handle this in the Morphic layer,
including having a button rather than a menu item to perform such a
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