Hi hnai
I got the following answer from the vwnc mailing-list:
BrowserEnvironment new referencesTo: (LiteralBindingReference
pathString: List fullName) binding
mc := MethodCollector new.
bindingToSearch := OrderedCollection fullyQualifiedReference binding.
filter := mc referencesTo: bindingToSearch.
result := mc select: filter.
and from john.
You need to ask for references to the binding for the class:
(BrowserEnvironment new referencesTo:
(Core bindingFor: #OrderedCollection)) classes
You can use either the #classesAndSelectorsDo: or #methodsDo: instead of
#classes if you wish to enumerate the methods. You can also combine the
environments to narrow or broaden your query. For example, this returns
the classes that have methods that reference both Array and
OrderedCollection classes:
((BrowserEnvironment new referencesTo:
(Core bindingFor: #OrderedCollection)) &
(BrowserEnvironment new referencesTo:
(Core bindingFor: #Array))) classes
You can rewrite this as:
((BrowserEnvironment new referencesTo:
(Core bindingFor: #OrderedCollection)) referencesTo:
(Core bindingFor: #Array)) classes
If you wish to find methods that reference OrderedCollection, but not
((BrowserEnvironment new referencesTo:
(Core bindingFor: #OrderedCollection)) &
(BrowserEnvironment new referencesTo:
(Core bindingFor: #Array)) not)