I think that releasing Moose 4.8 as a stable version following the
migration to Pharo 2.0 is a very good idea. It allows "users" to get
the latest fruit from 2.0 without having Moose as a moving target with
ongoing development. I admire and approve being on the bleeding edge,
however with CI I think there might be some middle ground. I only know
the parts of Moose that I have been using - Roassal, Glamour & Magritte
- but from an outside perspective it seems that the migration from Pharo
1.4 to 2.0 went fairly smoothly. So maybe most of Moose is insulated
from Pharo infrastructure changes? As a trial (to see how much
resources it takes) perhaps Moose can have both a CI job for 2.0 and a
CI job for 3.0. Maintain both streams only as long as practical -
perhaps until the to the first 2.x release to incorporate any Pharo bug
fixes into Moose 4.8.
Don't put a lot of weight on the above. I am just sharing an idea for
others more involved to have the greater discussion. I have only been
an occasional contributor to Roassal, and the next couple of months is
writing up my dissertation and not much programming (but after that I'd
like to get more involved.)
cheers -ben
Tudor Girba wrote:
Moose 4.8 works on Pharo 2.0. The only problem I noticed is that CMD+s does not work in
the text areas anymore.
So, before we start doing major things (such as removing Mondrian, redoing EyeSee on top
of Roassal, adding Athens support, adding Traits into FAMIX, or enhancing GToolkit), I
have a little proposition.
After a bit more testing I would like to release 4.8, and then move Moose 5.0 to Pharo
3.0 as soon as possible.
Here is why:
- Moose can benefit from enhancements from Pharo, and we can only influence and
contribute if we work closely with the Pharo latest version
- Moose should offer tools for Pharo development
- We are a small community that should work more closely together
What do you think?
(If you disagree, please also indicate the amount of effort you would like to invest in
Moose in the near future)
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