Hi Sven,
On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 7:14 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <sven(a)stfx.eu> wrote:
Hi Manfred,
I can only help you with the NeoCSV & IO part. Here is how I would do it:
'manfred.csv' asFileReference writeStreamDo: [ :out |
(NeoCSVWriter on: (ZnBufferedWriteStream on: out)) in: [ :writer |
writer separator: $|; writeHeader: #(timestamp two three cpu);
fieldWriter: #raw.
130000 timesRepeat: [
writer nextPut: { DateAndTime now asUnixTime. 999 atRandom. 999
atRandom. 999 atRandom } ] ] ].
] timeToRun. "0:00:00:01.917"
'manfred.csv' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :in |
(NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: in)) in: [ :reader |
reader separator: $|; readHeader.
reader addIntegerField; addIgnoredField; addIgnoredField;
reader upToEnd ] ].
] timeToRun. "0:00:00:01.064"
I think that is acceptable for a 3Mb file.
thanks for your input.
This will come in handy once the files get bigger.
But the problem is not in reading the file.
Even when I use 'reader upToEnd' it is really fast and all following
actions remain fluent.
The problem I am facing is that any action I am performing _after_ drawing
the graph takes several seconds.
And I just noticed that switching from the Canvas to the Raw tab of the
TRCanvas object makes the problem disappear.
But switching to the Canvas tab itself takes several seconds (probably
until the graph is rendered) and every action afterwards is getting delayed
several seconds.
The machine I am running this image on has 8 GB RAM and a 2.8 GHz Core i7
(mobile) processor if this information helps.
On 16 Mar 2015, at 17:48, Manfred Kröhnert
Hi everyone,
after having access to a machine running OS X 10.10.2 I started to give
Moose 5.1
a try for some initial data analysis.
I used Pharo Launcher (build #24) and downloaded
the Moose image with
buildnumber 304.
The task is to read a CSV log file containing around 130000 entries,
containing a timestamp, a cpu usage number, and some other information.
Everything works as expected, but the
responsiveness of the image drops
dramatically after executing the script in
Playground with Cmd+Shift+g.
After evaluating the script it takes several
seconds to get a response
to any action such as opening the world menu or switching
tabs in the
Is this because I am doing something very inefficient (most probably) or
does this
problem occur more often?
Here is the script I am using:
cpuReader := NeoCSVReader on: (cpuFile readStream).
cpuReader separator: $|.
cpuHeader := cpuReader readHeader.
cpuData := cpuReader upToEnd.
g := RTGrapher new.
g extent: 300@200.
ds := RTDataSet new.
ds points: (cpuData collect: [ :each |
| timestamp cpuUsage |
timestamp := (each at: 1) asNumber.
cpuUsage := (each at: 4) asNumber.
Array braceWith: timestamp with: cpuUsage]).
ds x: #first.
ds y: #second.
ds connectColor: Color blue.
g add: ds.
g addDecorator: RTHorizontalTickLineDecorator new.
g addDecorator: RTVerticalTickLineDecorator new.
g build.
g view canvas.
I also noticed that the 'Meta' representation of an object looks very
crammed since it does not use the full size available in the tab.
Should issues like this be reported somewhere
Thanks for taking a look at this,
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