Hi Volkert,
Sorry for replying late. This is a rather busy time for me.
As you have noticed, Roassal2 is not fully compatible with Roassal1. However, we are here
to help!
>> view := ROMondrianViewBuilder titled:
This now works (you need to update Roassal2):
view := RTMondrianViewBuilder titled: 'asdasd’.
>> view shape rectangle withText:
#shortName; textVerticalPadding: -10; fontSize: 6.
Unfortunately, this is not supported yet.
What you can do is
view shape rectangle width: 50; text: #shortName; fontSize: 6.
No text padding for now. Is it okay however? The idea is to go incrementally.
>> view addMenu: 'Zoom in'
callBack: [ :stack | … ].
you can do:
view view addMenu: ‘Zoom in’ callback: [ “do your stuff” ]
Please, report things that are missing. This is very important :-)
Alexandre Bergel
> On Nov 19, 2014, at 12:55 PM, volkert(a)nivoba.de wrote:
> Alexandre, any hints/advice for me?
> BW,
> Volkert
> Am 17.11.2014 um 23:06 schrieb Alexandre Bergel:
>> Tomorrow I will provide a detailed answer.
>> Alexandre
>> --
>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>> Alexandre Bergel
http://www.bergel.eu <http://www.bergel.eu/>
>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
>>> On Nov 17, 2014, at 1:14 PM, volkert(a)nivoba.de
<mailto:volkert@nivoba.de> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> i am using heavily Mondrian (ROMondrianViewBuilder) from Roassal1 in my
Tool/Project. Today i tried
>>> to migrate my work to Roassal2 and found out, that the Interface of
RTMondrianViewBuilder has
>>> changed a lot.
>>> Is there a list what has changed/what was removed/what are the
>>> Some examples
>>> view := ROMondrianViewBuilder titled: 'asdasd'.
>>> view shape rectangle withText: #shortName; textVerticalPadding: -10;
fontSize: 6.
>> view addMenu: 'Zoom in'
callBack: [ :stack | … ].
>>> Anther question:
>>> How can i change the line thickness of a Mondrian Node? I find the default
size is to thick.
>>> BW,
>>> Volkert
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> --
www.nivoba.de <http://www.nivoba.de/>
> "The more complex an object, the larger the investment in learning to use it,
and the greater the resistance to abandon it.", NW
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