New submission from Tudor Girba <girba(a)>ch>:
Submitted by Ricky Wettel.
I have a bundle with name CodeCity and in that bundle I have several packages,
one of which is also called CodeCity. After creating a History from several
versions of the system, I realized that somehow Hismo is not able to distinguish
between the two. Although in the MooseModels of the versions there are 2
FAMIXPackages that are related to each other (one of them belongsTo the other),
after creating a history I end up having one single PackageHistory called
CodeCity. Somehow, Hismo flattens the two...
I guess this is also because the bundles and packages in Smalltalk are both
modeled by the FAMIXPackage in Moose, but I would expect it to take the mooseID
into account on this one.
assignedto: girba
component: Van
messages: 106
nosy: girba
priority: Bug
status: deferred
title: Wrong historical identities for FAMIXPackage
Moose Bugs <moose-dev(a)>