Yes, having more real users of Athens is really good
from all sides of
view: it will help a lot
for polishing and delivering quality. And making sure that Athens
suits your needs.
Because if you wait until "final & golden" version will be released,
you may discover that
it is quite far from your interpretation of what "golden" is.. and to
ensure that it is the same,
the best way is to participate and give feedback.
I do not really understand why you feel I am reluctant to use Athens. I do use it. My
everyday image is Athens based.
I'm not better than anyone else who can do linear
algebra. The math
involved there is
very simple.. no rockets , no science. Yes, i learned a lot about
different stuff..
but i am not inventing anything new.. Athens is about bringing
_existing_ tech into our little world.
And all information is available on web, in dozens forms:
- tutorials, lectures, papers , demos, frameworks, pick yours..
The part of the Roassal code that do the translation was done way before Athens was
released. So this is not a surprise that Roassal does not use Athens' matrixes...
Alexandre Bergel