I am working on this script to see dependencies of seaside and citezen...
I would to group the nodes according to their names in Mondrian. Is it
possible? Here is my script:
view shape rectangle
width: [:pack | pack numberOfProviderPackages + 3 *3];
height: [:pack | pack numberOfClientPackages + 6 * 3];
if: [:pack | pack name includesSubString: 'Citezen'] fillColor: Color
if: [:pack | (pack name includesSubString: 'Seaside') and: [(pack name
includesSubString: 'Citezen' ) not]] fillColor: Color lightBlue.
view nodes: (model allPackages select: [:pack | ((pack name
includesSubString: 'Citezen') or: [pack name includesSubString:
or: [pack name includesSubString: 'Pier']]).
view edgesToAll: #staticProviderPackages.
view dominanceTreeLayout..
Like in the figure, I would like to group red nodes on the left and light
blue nodes on the right and at the same time keeping dominanceTreeLayout.
[image: Screen shot 2011-11-09 at 4.08.18 PM.png]