Comment #2 on issue 561 by alexandr...(a) Bug with Merlin
Same thing. The same error is produced.
Did you mean MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart instead of
MultiSelectionListSelector ? In that case, I have another error with the
| v control firstPane packagesList part1 lastPane part2 |
control := WizardControl new.
firstPane := WizardFirstPane new.
lastPane := WizardLastPane new.
control addPane: firstPane.
control addPane: lastPane.
part1 := TextPart new
inGroupboxNamed: 'Hapao: select the packages to analyze'.
packagesList := PackageOrganizer default packageNames asSortedCollection:
[ :a :b | a < b ].
part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart on: packagesList.
addPart: part1
associatedTo: #packagesSelected.
addPart: part2
associatedTo: #packagesSelected.
control open