On Nov 25, 2008, at 10:52 AM, Simon Denier wrote:
On 25 nov. 08, at 10:12, jannik.laval.gmail wrote:
Hi all,
In Famix2Method, there is a property #kind:
<MSEProperty: #kind type: #String>
^ kind
Can we put it in Famix3 ?
A lot of testing methods (like isConstant) are based on it.
To me, it looks like an extension of the Famix model. Perhaps we can
put it in an extension category.
Right now we code them and after we will have to think
If you go for it, have a look at
SmalltalkMethodVisitor>>classifyMethodNode to build such property.
You also have to decide how to implement it, for example using
#privateState (see #hasClassScope)
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