On 15 Jun 2011, at 21:31, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
view edges: collection from: block1 to: block2
tries to create a edge for "each" element in the "collection" between
the nodes that have the following entities behind:
- block1 value: each
- block2 value: each
Ok I finally got it.... but the api sucks
It does not :).
So we were three to be at least confused and two of us did a lot of diagram with
mondrian. May be the api is only usable by 3 + years in mondrian.
Who are those that used Mondrian repeatedly and still cannot figure out what
edges:from:to: means? I can think of several other issues (such as debugging a
visualization), but I cannot imagine that someone cannot remember what a method with 3
parameters does, especially when that method has a long explanatory comment.
I know significantly more people that can use Mondrian, without knowing Smalltalk even :).
That is not an argument, especially that no better alternative was proposed.
I just wanted to point out that "sucks" can easily spawn a simplistic debate :).
Let's focus on what we want to have.
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