On 1 déc. 2009, at 10:52, Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Jannik,
I think that the problem is more complicated and I am not sure what
is the right way about it.
When you capture several ports in:
browser showOn: #feedback;
from: #browser -> #selectedVersion;
from: #browser -> #selectedCat;
from: #browser -> #selectedElement;
you can reason about three things when trying to #display: a
presentation. In other words, you get three objects in your block.
However, in the current implementation, after this step the result
of the display: is stored in one port: #entity. And when you look at
this port from inside the browser you only see one object.
I think I had a related problem when I did my demo of Glamour with a
lintBrowser integrated in the smalltalk browser.
Then I have something like that:
browser showOn: #results; from: #rules; from: #outer->#entity; using: [
browser list
display: [:rule :tuple | self getLintResult:
(self runRule: rule forClass: tuple first) result] ].
"tuple = {class. selector} from the browser. We select the class"
#outer->#entity is in fact a tuple {class. selector}
You can see my example in GLMSmalltalkExamples>>stClassicBrowser and
On 1 Dec 2009, at 14:26, Laval Jannik wrote:
Yes, oki,
Now, how can I specify parameters ?
I tried to use "from:"
But if I put "from: #selectedVersion", there is an exception.
What is the syntax to do this ?
On Dec 1, 2009, at 14:12 , Simon Denier wrote:
Seems like you dont take any parameter in the
different subpanes
of your feedback. Then I guess you get only the default parameter
of the browser, which would be the first one, i.e. selectedVersion
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