Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 701 by alexandr...(a) Cut and Paste do not update a
Glamour Port
Email snippets:
Regarding copy paste, indeed it seems that pasting a text does not update
the port. Please open a ticket.
I found another strange behavior, likely to be a bug.
| browser |
browser := GLMFinder new.
browser text
act: [:prez :v | prez text inspect ] on: $i entitled: 'Inspect'.
browser openOn: 'hello world'
If you type something and press cmd-i then you open an inspector on what
you have typed.
Now, do a cut and paste in the textpane, and press cmd-i. You have an
inspector on 'hello world', no matter what you have cut&pasted.