Today Andrei and I pair-programmed on a stack bar plot builder.
Here is an example:
b := RTStackBarPlot new.
b interaction popupText.
b colorPalette colors: { Color blue . Color lightBlue }.
b add: #(37 33 0 0 0) title: 'DN1'.
b add: #(24 26 17 3 0) title: 'DN2'.
b add: #(25 29 15 1 0) title: 'DN3'.
b add: #(30 33 6 1 0) title: 'DN4'.
b addLegend: #('strongly agree' 'agree' 'neutral'
'disagree' 'strongly disagree').
b barWidth: 260 height: 20.
b addLabelToBars: [ :assoc | (assoc key / b totalSum * 100) asInteger asString,
'%' ] if: [:assoc | assoc key > 5 ] color: Color white.
b build.
Result is the following:
Andrei & Alexandre
Alexandre Bergel