Hello Usman,
the inhertance definition is a relation (cRs) between a class (c) and
its direct superclass (s), ie for your example
x <-- y <-- a, z
there would be three FAMIX.InheritanceDefinition elements
yRx, aRy, zRy
Does this answer your question?
On 16 May 2007, at 19:07 , Muhammad Bhatti wrote:
Hello all,
while extracting the inheritance definition of a class, this
question poped up
in my mind: how do we specify multiple child classes for a class?
Do we create
a new InheritanceDefinition for each one of them, which seems to be
the case
with existing MSE files? For example
X <- Y <- A,Z (X is the base class, Y inherits from X, A,Z inherit
from Y)
In this case, inheritancedefinition parameter for Y will be (format
*Class* for
(id: 6)
(superclass (idref: 1 *X*))
(subclass (idref: 3 *A*))
(id: 7)
(superclass (idref: 1 *X*))
(subclass (idref: 4 *Z*))
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