Begin forwarded message:
From: Simon Denier <Simon.Denier(a)>
Date: 19 août 2010 18:30:51 HAEC
To: A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome
Cc: Simon Denier <Simon.Denier(a)>
Subject: String insertion
What's the best (most elegant/efficient...) way to insert a string into another
string at a given index?
Say I have the string 'Toto-Tata-Titi' and I want to build the string
I could think of the following:
| string sepIndex stream |
string := 'Toto-Tata-Titi'.
sepIndex := string indexOf: $-.
stream :=String new writeStream.
stream nextPutAll: (string copyFrom: 1 to: sepIndex).
stream nextPutAll: 'Tests'.
stream nextPutAll: (string copyFrom: sepIndex to: string size).
^ stream contents
Any suggestion?