Comment #2 on issue 576 by alexandr...(a) Border of children
depends on another shape in a complex shape
I am not sure to understand. Why a border has to be drawn around the
children? Why not to add an additional shape?
Are you saying that:
view shape form: [:builder |
builder column; pref; fill; row; pref; fill; row; pref; fill.
builder x:1 y:1 add: MOChildrenShape new.
view node: 1 forIt: [ view node: 2 ].
should have the very same aspect than: view node: 1 forIt: [ view node: 2 ].
Why not writing:
view shape form: [:builder |
builder column; pref; fill; row; pref; fill; row; pref; fill.
builder x:1 y:1 add: MOChildrenShape new.
builder x:1 y:1 add: (MOEllipseShape new).
view node: 1 forIt: [ view node: 2 ].
You could then have:
view shape form: [:builder |
builder column; pref; fill; row; pref; fill; row; pref; fill.
builder x:1 y:1 add: MOChildrenShape new.
builder x:1 y:1 add: (MOEllipseShape new).
view node: 1 forIt: [ view node: 2].