This is great news!
Thanks a lot for your effort,
On 5 Jan 2011, at 18:22, Joachim Geidel wrote:
Hi everybody,
I am close to releasing JNIPort ( for Pharo
and Squeak. Almost everything works on both Mac OS X and Windows with one
exception. I can attach a Java VM to Pharo/Squeak, I can send messages to
Java objects and get results back, and even callbacks from Java to Smalltalk
seem to work.
The exception is that a callback from Java to Smalltalk which comes from a
different thread leads to a crash of the Squeak VM. I have not been able to
figure out what the problem is. There is a similar problem with a hook of
the Java VM: one can register a callback function which is called whenever
the Java VM produces output for stdout/stderr. With Pharo 1.1.1 on Mac OS X,
using this hook works when the hook contains a "nil halt", and if I simply
proceed in each of the notifiers. When I remove the halt or replace it by a
Delay, the image freezes. In Squeak 4.1 on Windows, the behavior is
different: the VM crashes.
Does Alien support callbacks coming from a "foreign" thread? Or is this a
limitation of Alien?
Thanks in advance for any help,
Joachim Geidel
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