I did a pass over it and now we have:
"FAMIXPackage represents a package in the source language, meaning that it provides a
means to group entities without any baring on lexical scoping.
A package is different from a namespace (FAMIXNamespace). A package defines simply a group
of entities. A namespace scopes a group of entities (it may implement
an import, a name lookup). For example, in Java concept of package maps both on the
FAMIXNamespace and on a FAMIXPackage:
- it is a FAMIXNamespace because it provides a lexical scope for the contained entities,
- it is a FAMIXPackage because it describes the physical structure of the system.
For example, Java extractors map Java packages to FAMIXNamespaces for these reasons. They
can also mirror the same information in terms of FAMIXPackage instances."
On 31 Oct 2011, at 00:03, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
we have
FAMIXPackage represents a package in the source language.
A package is different from a namespace (FAMIXNamespace). They both provide a scope, but
the namespace does it from a language perspective. For example, in Java concept of package
maps both on the FAMIXNamespace and on a FAMIXPackage:
- it is a FAMIXNamespace because it provides a lexical scope for the contained entities,
- it is a FAMIXPackage because it describes the physical structure of the system.
I propose
FAMIXPackage represents a package in the source language, but when the language only mean
grouping of entities without scoping.
The scoping aspect is captured by FAMIXNamespace.
A package is different from a namespace (FAMIXNamespace). A package defines simply a
group of entities. A namespace scopes a group of entities (it may implement
an import, a name lookup). For example, in Java concept of package maps both on the
FAMIXNamespace and on a FAMIXPackage:
- it is a FAMIXNamespace because it provides a lexical scope for the contained entities,
- it is a FAMIXPackage because it describes the physical structure of the system.
FAMIX extractor usually map Java package to FAMIXNamespace for these reasons.
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