I am trying to use exampleClassHierarchy in RTCircularTreeMapBuilder for
visualizing some packages and classes.
First, I think the borderWith: should be a fraction of what already is
defined in the examples, otherwise the borders are too think to visualize
anything correctly.
Second, the borderWidth is proportional to the radius of circle. Is this
To reproduce, here is an example + screenshot:
| b |
b := RTCircularTreeMapBuilder new.
b shape
color: Color transparent;
borderWidth: 0.01;
borderColor: Color black;
if: [ :cls | cls subclasses isEmpty ] fillColor: [ :cls|
(Smalltalk includesKey: (cls name, 'Test') asSymbol) ifTrue: [ Color green ]
ifFalse: [ Color purple ] ].
baseradius: 400;
weight: [ :cls | cls withAllSubclasses size].
b explore: RTObject
using: #subclasses.
b build.
^ b view open
[image: Inline image 1]