I'm preparing the doc about metamodeling in Moose using Fame, but that's using the
regular code browser en refactoring browser. Right now there are some consistency
validation of metamodel described in Lint rules.
So there is place for a UI editor + validation.
On 25 sept. 2010, at 11:24, François Tanguy wrote:
being a end user, I am bit confused with these 2 frameworks: Fame and Magritte.
There are both meta-meta-models. So what make them different from a conceptual point of
view ?
For my models, I would like to have the persistency for free (from Fame) and the UI
edition and model validation for free (from Magritte).
Today I must write two times the description of my language (one in Fame and one in
Magritte), and it feels like I would need only one description.
Any info on this would be appreciated.
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