On Oct 31, 2008, at 6:02 PM, Hani ABDEEN wrote:
you can remove these methods from Moose.
actually i will re-integrate them in Cook and later i will see which
name i should give to this property.
rename it now this is one click
call it completelyImported and we add it directly to moose.
What about:
FAMIXInheritanceDefinition>>isStub ?
FAMIXAccess>>isStub ?
FAMIXAttribute>>isStub ?
FAMIXNamespace>>isStub ?
FAMIXPackage>>isStub ?
I suggest that you think the same thing and you will remove these
methods from Moose, no?
Arg I missed these ones.
The UI of stroe is not that good.
On Oct 30, 2008, at 11:46 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
Hi hani
I was checking your code. I do not think that this is correct.
Did you read the email we sent about the topic before summer holidays
on this topic?
"a FAMIXStructuralEntity is stub if its declared as stub or if it
belongs to a stub famix element, or if we do not know really it
belongs to which famix entity (self belongsTo isSymbol -> istrue)"
^super isStub or: [self belongsTo notNil and: [self belongsTo
isSymbol or: [self belongsTo isStub]]]
"a FAMIXInvocation is stub if all its candidate -invoked- methodes,
are stub, or if the invocation is done by a stub method, or if the
invocation has no candidate"
^self candidateList isNil
or: [self candidateList isEmpty
or: [(self candidateList allSatisfy: [:mtd| mtd isStub])
or: [self invokedBy isNil or: [self invokedBy isStub]]]]
Stubbyness is an import property and it is not transitive.
You can have an attribute that is imported and its class is a stub
because the importer leaked.
Now of course this situation does not make sense but this is the
of the import (we would all prefer that this
imported did not leak but it is in C++ and we do not control it).
Now you need to compute a new property called for example
So we prefer that you introduce an extra property (related to
and that thes methods are dealing with this.
So I will remove these two methods from Moose and invite you to
a completelyImported property and its computation.
If you follow our suggesting we will integrate them in Moose if
are tests.
Stef and Doru
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