Glamour is in a usable state again.
The one thing is not working correctly is the update of the overall
browser from inside the browser. For example, the mechanism in the
MooseModel browseMeta to select a property and then trigger "Focus"
from the contextual menu does not update the properties pane again.
Things will continue to move in the next period, but it already looks
pretty much Ok. Here are a couple of major changes:
1. A pane now can control the rendering of multiple presentations
through a CompositePresentation. You can now have different
arrangements: tabbed, accordion or stacked. You can find an example at:
GLMBasicExamples new differentComposites openOn: (1 to: 100)
2. You can specify titles for a composite and this gets rendered as a
3. New syntax. To control the composite I introduced a new syntax.
- "browser showOn: ; from: ; using: [ browser list]" -> "browser
transmit from: ; to: ; andShow: [ :a | a list ]"
- "browser sendTo: from:" -> "browser transmit from: ; to:"
4. Simple transmissions and bundle transmissions can have multiple
origins and can define transformations per origin port. For example
you can have:
browser transmit from: #one ; from: #two transformed: [:x | ...] ; to:
5. Presentations can now update using a basic mechanism (first
implemented by Jorge and Philipp). For example:
a list updateYourselfOn: SomeAnnouncement from: [:entity | some
The only catch here is that the entity object should point to the
objects that gets changed. You can also force an update explicitly
from an action:
a list act: [:presentation | presentation update] entitled: 'some
6. When updating a presentation, it might be that the selection from
the old presentation does not make sense in the new context. To enable
a checking you can now specify that you want validation for each
change in the ports (in particular for selection). For example:
a list shouldValidate: true
7. Finder can now properly embed a browser. This is actually pretty
neat :)
8. Finder now remembers the title of the last active presentation and
it will favor this one in the new tab
Please have a look and let me know if you encounter problems.
"The coherence of a trip is given by the clearness of the goal."