I think I have stumbled upon a problem in Glamour. When selecting an entity
that is in the model but not shown in the Tree presentation, there is a DNU
when setting the selection port to the entity. To reproduce the problem:
- execute the following script in Moose then right click and select "select
in tree" on a number not displayed in the Tree presentation.
The problem might arise due to the fact that all model entities do not have
their morph nodes when using showOnly option. Can you please have a look?
| browser items |
browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
items := 50.
browser column: #one; column: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
(a tree)
title: 'Tree';
showOnly: 30;
display: [:each | 1 to: items];
children: [ :item :x :level | level > 1
ifTrue: [ #() ]
ifFalse: [ 1 to: item ]]].
browser transmit to: #two; from: #one; andShow: [ :a |
a mondrian
title: 'Numbers in Mondrian list';
painting: [:view :number |
view shape rectangle width: 20; text: #printString; withoutBorder.
view interaction
item: 'Select in tree' action: [:each | ((browser paneNamed: #one)
port:#selection) value:each ].
view nodes: (1 to: 40).
view gridLayout.
browser openOn: 1