On Sep 4, 2008, at 11:15 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
FAMIX2Class mooseDescription works only if the repository is correctly
setup :).
If you look in the code, then "MooseModel>>meta" is the one that
returns the meta-model.
I thought that we could plug any metamodel under fame
Now I did
MooseModel2 class>>metaTower
"self resetMetaDescriptions. self metaTower"
| pp |
^metaTower ifNil: [
pp := FMPragmaProcessor new.
pp queue: MooseEntity withAllSubclasses.
pp run.
metaTower := pp asTower]
and I got a wonderful error which is a bad smell to me.
It is lazily created and in the current
implementation is starts the lookup from FAMIXEntity which does not
include FAMIX2.
I would suggest to make it FAMIX2ModelRoot for the moment just to make
it work with your code.