Comment #12 on issue 888 by tu...(a) MondrianViewBuilder
should support a better zOrder
Started to read the code:
- I like it that the sorting happens in place in ROView. I just think I
would have put it in ZOrdering, though.
- What is the reason for not allowing the changing of zOrdering if elements
already exist?
zOrdering: aZOrdering
elementsToRender notEmpty ifTrue: [ self error: 'Cannot change the
zOrdering if elements are present' ].
elementsToRender := SortedCollection sortBlock: [ :a :b | a zIndex < b
zIndex ].
zOrdering := aZOrdering
I see no reason why we could not apply the sorting to existing elements if
- I think ZOrdering>>at: integerOrValue put: aBlockOrAValue is confusing. I
would give it a more explicit name.
- The default ZOrdering from ROMondrianViewBuilder is good now. It makes a
big difference.