Ok, let me know how it goes
This the code with glamours
constructor roassal2
title: 'Visualization';
act: [:p | p update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRefresh
entitled: 'Update';
painting: [:each :data |
data class== KETimeSeries ifTrue:[
| b |
b := RTCharterBuilder new view: each.
b extent: 400 @ 200.
b shape rectangle size: 0.
b points: data index.
b x: #yourself.
b y: [ :x | data at: x ].
b connectDotColor: Color blue.
b axisXTitled: 'Time'.
b axisYTitled: 'Number of individuals of ' , (donne keyAtValue: data).
b build.
each canvas camera translateBy: 0 @ -100.
each @RTDraggableView.]
This produce the first screenshot
Sure! You do not have to add the from and to element
to the view. You can
simply add the edge.
Consider the example, with a nice animation:
v := RTView new.
edges := OrderedCollection new.
es := RTBox elementsOn: (1 to: 300).
RTGridLayout new gapSize: 30; on: es.
es do: [ :e |
| te |
te := RTBox element.
te translateTo: e position + (0 @ 10).
edges add: ((RTArrow new color: Color black) edgeFrom: e to: te).
v addAll: edges.
v when: TRMouseMove do: [ :evt |
edges do: [ :edge |
edge to translateTo: (evt position - edge from position) /
10 + edge from position.
v signalUpdate.
All the arrows moves when the mouse move. The extremities of each arrow is
not in the view.
I'm sure! I'll try to follow your example tomorrow.
You can see in the second screenshot what i want to do! In this view, i
want to hide the box "Naissance0", "Deces0", "Deces1", ....
*ATREVI D. Fabrice*
*Master en Informatique A l'Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique