On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 9:11 PM, Stephan Eggermont <stephan(a)> wrote:
> 15 minutes should be enough to create a custom tool,
> helping me gain insight in my problem.
> Moose (and Pharo) delivers.
> Stephan
> A big thank you to the GT & Roassal crew
"Every thing has its own flow"
15 minutes should be enough to create a custom tool,
helping me gain insight in my problem.
Moose delivers.
A big thank you to the GT & Roassal crew
When dynamic actions are displayed between two presentations, they are not
displayed at all. Here is a snippet to reproduce this problem. I've
committed a fix in the Moose51 repo.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
row: #one; row: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
a tree
display:[ :x| 1 to: x ] ].
browser transmit to: #two; andShow: [ :a |
a tree
display: #(a b c);
filterOn: [ :text :each | each name includesSubstring: text ];
dynamicActions: [ :list | {GLMGenericAction new
action: [ ];
title: 'Action';
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousBrowse;
yourself} ]].
^ browser openOn: 5
The ellipse border color does not seem to work. Is this an Athens problem,
or just a missing implementation? Could someone take a look?
For example:
view := RTMondrian new.
view shape ellipse borderColor: Color red.
view nodes: #( 1 2 3 ).
[image: Inline image 1]
"Every thing has its own flow"
We are happy to announce the first preview version of Brick, a new widget
set created from scratch on top of Bloc.
Brick is being developed primarily by Alex Syrel (together with Alain
Plantec, Andrei Chis and myself), and the work is sponsored by ESUG. Brick
is part of the Glamorous Toolkit effort and will provide the basis for the
new versions of the development tools.
Brick's goal is to provide a beautiful looking widget set, and the default
look is based on material design. The widgets are theme-able.
Right now, there exists:
- Label
- Simple button
- Toggle button
- Checkbox
- Radio button
- Window with or without an active title bar that can include various
visual actions and info
- Menu
- Beautiful scrollbars that are thin by default and enlarge when the mouse
hovers over it
- Scalable list for huge amounts of items with various heights
(The list also allows one for embedding text widgets with in place editing)
The next immediate target is the creation of a new Pager widget (the widget
that is behind the current GTInspector).
You can see some screenshots on the official site:
To play with it, you can download a ready-made image:…
and, in a Bloc space, you can browse the examples:
BrExampleBrowser exampleOpen
We would be happy to hear your feedback.
"Every thing has its own flow"
I'm getting acquainted more with Moose and FAMIX and I am not really sure
how to proceed (mostly due to lack of documentation and link rot).
What I want to do is add "multiplicity" attribute to FAMIXAttribute.
Now I see an option:
1) create a subclass of FAMIXAttribute
2) add a method.. something like
<MSEProperty: #multiplicity type: #MyFAMIXMultiplicity>
^ multiplicity
now Moose can generate models from smalltalk source code and I would like
to infer this information.
For example for types, there is
So I'm assuming I would have to do something similar.
And finally, if I want to help the importer and actually write that
information into the source code, I would have to add another pragma
there... something like
<MSEMultiplicity: '2..*' type: MyType>
^ myAttribute
and then modify the smalltalk importer to be able to recognize this and
produce MyFAMIXAttribute instead of the default one.
Am I on the right track? Should it be done differently?
Any pointers appreciated,
There seems to be a problem with simple the rubric presentation in Moose
5.0. TextColor attributes are overridden with default text color from the
theme when the morph is created.
There is a flag in the morph creation code that says that the code needs
reviewing in Pharo 4.0. So removing two lines below after the flag resolve
this issue:
morph := RubScrolledTextMorph new
getSelectionSelector: #primarySelectionInterval;
model: textModel;
color: Smalltalk ui theme backgroundColor;
textFont: StandardFonts defaultFont;
self flag: 'Temporary solution until Moose moves to Pharo 4'.
(Smalltalk ui theme class canPerform: #textColor) ifTrue: [
morph textColor: Smalltalk ui theme textColor ].
^ morph
Should I commit a fix removing the flagged lines? Should I create a new
branch for the fix?
I would like to add a new menu entry when I right click on a text in GT. Something titled ‘execution coverage’ which will spawn an Hapao visualization.
Is there an easy way to do it?
Alexandre Bergel