I have just downloaded the last image of Moose, and Spotter seems to not work at all…
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I'm new to Moose and Pharo and have some problems to get started. So how do
you work with the moose panel?
For instance, I want to get all packages for all classes of the argouml
showcase. I do this like this:
1. Select "All classes"
2. Look in the Meta-Panel which methods are available
3. Enter "self allPackages" in evaluator and execute "Do it and Go"
4. => The result shows 0
The same for allModelPackages.
I wonder what's the difference between allPackages and allModelPackages and
why both return a result of zero. I would expect to get of all the packages
the classes are in.
If I do the same for the methods:
1. Select "All classes"
2. Look in the Meta-Panel which methods are available
3. Enter "self allMethods" in evaluator and execute "Do it and Go"
4. => The result shows 23k methods
5. Now I wanted to look at meta panel which methods are available but I
don't see any method related except averageNumberOfInvocations and so on.
The reason seems to be that the result is of type FAMIXMethodGroup. How to
get from the group to the model for the methods so that I can access the
parameter list of the methods and so on?
So how do you know which methods you can call, do you use the meta panel as
well? Why do some methods return an empty result (like allPackages) even
though they seem to be valid and should return a result? How to get to the
content of a group?
Is there a more efficient way to work with moose or is this the way you
work with it? How do you investigate these problems if you get some
unreasonable return result?
Best regards
I am currently parsing some git log file with PetitParser. There is 56 log files with 10 more than 1 Mo and a max of 70 Mo.
I wrote the parser and all the files parse successfully under a prespur Moose version (Moose #1553).
I wanted to migrate to a new Moose image 6.0 (with Spur), the code loads, succeed to parse some small files but I encounter quickly a Memory Insufficient Error...
I suspect some bugs either in the Petit Parser parsing process, the string representation, or the memory management.
Had someone get the same issue?
Thanks in advance,
Vincent Blondeau
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I am running the latest moose, with VM from May 4th on Linux and I
consistently experience (over a period of several weeks) occasional crashes.
My rough observation is that this happens when working with visualization.
Do I do something wrong, or are there some issues?
The crash dump is attached.
While loading one of my existing models, I remarked that the semantics of
FAMIXReference have been changed: earlier it was an association between two
containers and hence much more permissive. Now it is an association between
a method (from side) and a type (to side).
Although I agree that the semantics are clearer, sometimes we have the need
to represent an association/dependency between two entities. It happens
because we are reading from a abstracted source of information (e.g. a
description of the model from a modelling tool) that does not have the
code-level details.
So it will be good to have a more generic dependency. Hence, the question:
1. Does it make sense to add a generic dependency (between two containers?
sourced entities?)?
2. Should it be named FAMIXDependency as the word dependency can have
different meanings to different people (all dependencies of an entity may
be its "computed" dependencies from the dependencies of its children or
aggregate of all types of dependencies e.g. accesses, invocations, etc.).
So, we need to be careful about the naming.
With moose-chef, I would have to tell which entities have this dependency
for correct computation of the dependencies but with MooseQuery, we should
not have this problem because this information is inferred from the
meta-model, right?
Is there at least a bit of documentation about Fame?
I am trying to meta-describes some C elements, but it is very difficult.
All these are very mysterious:
I feel Fame is very powerful, but very hard to understand.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
There is an issue with the debugger. Some classes are missing, in the last moose Image.
Can someone fix this please?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
What am I supposed to put as filename in sourceAnchors? I now put the full path there, but that doesn't work and makes things non-portable. In ObjectStudio each method can be in a different file, and they are actually on different drives, e.g. c:\Entwicklung\MSE\FAMIXClass.cls and o:\devtools\sunit\SUnit\SUnit\TestCase.cls.
If I remove the drive name, I can no longer find the sources, as there is only one root. If I keep the drive name, I can only use Windows (and it doesn't work because there is no root on Windows)
Of course I can work around this by moving all sources into one directory