Is there a way to get (semi)transparent blocks in CodeCity? I've tried using Color with alpha, but it doesn't seem to work.
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Hi everyone,
now there is a dark theme for Pharo that I was waiting for a long time. Is it hard to make Moose-related tools be compatible with it? First thing that I noticed is GTInspector background:
Hi, I thought my image is lagging, but it happens only in rubric. Yes, probably having 1794 characters in a method is not good, but when you are scripting Code City stuff, sometimes your experiments get large :). Again, sorry for that harsh characteristics, but typing characters and waiting 2 secs for them to appear is a bit upsetting :).
It has been very quiet these last few days? Are you busy working on cool projects? What is the name of it? What does it do?
I start. We are working on:
- a paper on Roassal 3d for ESUG. It will describe some cool visualizations, including a code city-like. Together with Ronie, Milton and Francisco
- additional interactions for roassal2, in particular avoiding collision between elements. This is useful when nodes are dynamically added to a canvas. With Juraj
- on a new IDE based on Roassal. You may have seen the video "browsing your code as a Disneyland ride" we are pushing this very hard. With Juraj
- Inti for Pharo, a very nice and interactive view for code profiling. Milton is the main architect
- many other cool stuff, such as event profiling, code metrics, Roassal book. People from Brazil are deeply involved in this
Yes, we are actively preparing our trip for ESUG :)
What do you work on these days?
It has been quiet these days on the mailing list.
We are happy to release a new video:
The video is about visualizing software dependencies.
Happy day to you all!
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
yeah, but where?
looks like a roassal problem, not a pharo one.
Redirecting to moose list :)
On 17 May 2014, at 10:24, volkert(a)nivoba.de wrote:
> Am 01.05.2014 13:07, schrieb Alexandre Bergel:
>>> Yes yes yes ... it works. I quickly jumped through some examples. Roassal2 looks so nice. Thank you.
>> Let me know how it goes. Documentation is missing, but we have many many examples…
>> The chapter in Deep into Pharo (www.deepintopharo.com) contains a documentation about Roassal1 and the Mondrian builder, written on top of the core of Roassal.
>> Roassal2 is largely compatible with Roassal1. When it is not, then small changes have to be made.
>> Alexandre
> today i started with a fresh pharo 3.0 image (#30848) und loaded roassal2 (following the video tutorial). But when
> selecting the example and evalution menu i got a "MessageNotUnderstood: ByteString>>replaceAllRegex:with:".
> Something is broken here.
> BW,
> Volkert
I tried to build a graph in glamour. It works very well, but the
numerotation of x-axis is not correct.
There are an example follow:
| b |
b := GLMTabulator new.
b column: #first.
b column: #second.
b transmit to: #first; andShow: [ :a |
a list
display: (1 to: 20);
b transmit from: #first; to: #second; andShow: [ :a |
a roassal2 painting: [ :view :input |
| bg |
bg := GET2Line new view: view; data: (input to: 30).
bg y: [ :x | x * x. ].
bg build
b openOn:42.
*ATREVI D. Fabrice *
*Master en Informatique A l'Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique
Here is an early preview of what we are working on...
To be announced at ESUG...
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
As you know, the moose team is full of passionated and happy people willing to analyze software.
We have great platforms to carry out analysis that are robust enough to compete with state-of-the-Art software analysis platforms out there.
It would be great to have software to feed our wonderful tools. There are 123 873 packages on Smalltalkhub (!). Can we have easily access to them? I mean, a big big big .zip file would be fantastic with all the public software.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu