Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1072 by damien.c...(a) Name cloud not working
When selecting the name cloud visualisation, the VM crashes after some time
and before displaying anything.
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1075 by damien.c...(a) Non-interactive visualisations
Several visualisations are not interactive and they don't provide
fly-by-help. E.g., name cloud, distribution map, dependency (cycles)
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Why this broken theme is still the default theme?
Do we think that this is a good promotion for Moose and Pharo? Seriously?
So I’m waiting for an answer and based on this answer I will take actions because this is too long now that the system
is on his knees from that perspective.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
New issue 1037 by kurs....(a) Missing context menu in GTDebugger
code editor
I really miss the context menu in the gt debugger code editor. It is not
consistent with standard editor menu it is not consistent with the
browse/inspect context menu in the bottom part of the debugger.
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Name: GT-Debugger-StephaneDucasse.200
Author: StephaneDucasse
Time: 26 June 2014, 9:10:31.768055 am
UUID: 4e20dcfb-724e-4293-a6dd-4452bf73b3c4
Ancestors: GT-Debugger-TudorGirba.199
remove register assubclassresponsibility because it breaks completely
the toolRegistry.
Hi guys
Can we get playground not hidding the old workspace?
The textselection is awfull.
Why do we sacrifice what is working in Pharo?
Some keybindings are not working,
registerToolsOn: registry
"Add ourselves to registry. See [Smalltalk tools]"
"self registerToolsOn: Smalltalk tools"
registry register: self as: #playground
SmalltalkImage current resetTools is broken on Moose :(
Workspace registerToolsOn: SmalltalkImage current tools
Then why the theme does not support correctly the display of incomplete class names and selector?
I will really consider to ask the rmod team to make its own Moose build with decent default
because this is each time the same story instead of having the time to fix a problem (snapshotcello is not working with latest moose
then I lose times to fix the system to work as good as the default pharo).
In Pharo 30 it is fully working. In Moose well you can trash your image.
So to get a chance to be productive in moose we have a special quizz to
solve first.
So I'm trying to unload GT-Playground from moose and
I love it
SmalltalkImage current resetTools freezes my image.
And after you want that people like Igor spend time fixing problems in
the Moose image.....
In fact
SmalltalkImage current resetTools freezes my image even without
underloading GT-Playground.
I think that Moose is decaying sadly.
How can I get the old debugger interface? Because I go much faster with it?