I was playing with Roassal2 in latest Moose5 and discovered Trachel, which
looks nice and compact.
Playing with the examples in the package, I found a couple of failing sends
to #scale: that worked when I replaced them by sends to #scaleBy:. If you
are interested, I attach the changes.
Imagine I have a package Super with a class Super and a package Sub
with a class Sub that inherits from Super.
If I create a moose model of the package Super, I get the class Sub as
a stub. I find that very surprising: why are all subclasses of the
system included in the model. The semantics of the inheritance
relation is one-way: a class knows its super class, not the opposite.
Can somebody explain why subclasses are included in the analyses?
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
Here is a post that describe how to have dates on the X-axis.
This has been a recurrent problem, which is why I would like to share it with you.
Dates are particular values that requires an adequate control over what is being displayed on X-axis. The julianDayNumber converts a date into a number.
methods := RTObject withAllSubclasses flatCollect: #methods.
methods := methods reject: [ :m | m numberOfLinesOfCode > 150 ].
oldestMethod := methods minFor: #date.
b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 800 @ 200.
b shape circle size: 5; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.1).
b interaction popup.
b points: methods.
b allY: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
b allX: [ :m | m date julianDayNumber - oldestMethod date julianDayNumber ].
b axisConfiguration
title: 'LOC'.
b axisY.
b axisConfiguration
title: '';
labelRotation: -30;
numberOfTicks: 10;
numberOfLabels: 10;
labelConvertion: [ :v | (Date julianDayNumber: v + oldestMethod date julianDayNumber) ].
b axisX.
b build
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
When we print a string in Moose, we cannot select it because it is printed
"like a label", which can be then inspected.
For me it is bit strange because I used to frequently print some string and
then do something else such as browser a class, or copy a substring (which
is not possible anymore).
So, what is goal of this feature? Maybe I just didn't see it.
Andre Hora
Any problem if I change the implementation of
^ self mooseModel rootFolder
self mooseModel ifNil: [ ^ '' ].
^ self mooseModel rootFolder
The problem is that when mooseModel is nil (ie, when working with
FAMIX-only), there will be an exception.
FAMIXFileAnchor is depending on moose.
What do you think?
best regards,
Andre Hora
Using the latest improvements from Alex, I could reimplement the
Distribution Map on top of RTView.
"Every thing has its own flow"
I've encountered a bug with TRMouseMove.
When registered on canvas it doesn't get fired when mouse is over an
element which has any callback registered.
In TRMorph>>rtMouseMoving:
line shape := self shapeWithActionForPositionInPixels: relativePosition.
doesn't respect what kind of event is actually registered to the shape - so
if I register TRMouseClick on a box, TRMouseMove on canvas will not work.
I would expect the event to always get fired for canvas.
view := RTView new.
lbl := RTLabel new elementOn: 'position'.
view add: lbl.
badBox := RTBox new size: 50; color: Color red; element.
badBox translateBy: -50 @ -50.
view add: badBox.
goodBox := RTBox new size: 50; color: Color green; element.
goodBox translateBy: 50 @ -50.
view add: goodBox.
when: TRMouseClick
do: [ ].
do: [ :evt |
lbl shape text: (view canvas camera fromPixelToSpace: evt position)
printString. lbl update.
view signalUpdate ].
view open.