Currently GSBerlin is the only build that fails from Jenkins.
The problem is in ConfigurationOfVidi>>baseline031: which tries to load the
Roassal2 group from ConfigurationOfGlamour.
Removing the line 'loads: #('Roassal2');' should fix the build.
Hi All,
I have pushed a new version for indentation sensitivity into the
PetitParser. If I am not mistaken, with the new changes, you can parse
languages such as Python, F#, Haskell, YAML or Markdown. There are proof of
concept implementations in the PetitParser repository. YAML and Markdwon
are almost complete, for Python only the indentation-sensitive rules.
There is a small introduction to the indentation parsing with PetitParser (
http://scg.unibe.ch/research/indentParsing), let me know, if you are
missing something or if you want to know something more. There are also
many examples of the indentation sensitive grammars in the repository.
If you wonder about performance, the indentation sensitive grammar is
approximately five times slower, because the position and an extra
indentation stack is remembered instead of the simple position. If you
don't use indentation, there is no slowdown. I am working on improvements,
any ideas are welcome :)
If you don't like new changes, you can still stable version
(ConfigurationOfPetitParser loadStable) or version 1.11.
Following the advice of Peter Uhnák on tag clouds and avatars I made
some progress on my intended visualization. If you run the code at [1]
you will get something similar to [2] (the difference is that screenshot
is for code inside a grafoscopio document instead of a simple playground).
[1] http://ws.stfx.eu/9G5PEGYFL1MW
I will prioritize working on scrapping and cleaning the data, leaving
the position of the avatar to the end (hopefully Alexandre will read
this and in his attempt to make Roassal the best visualization engine in
the universe and its users happier, he will implement my suggestion at
the end).
So in my attempt to clean the data I'm trying to process originalText
(look at [1]) to split it to single words. For that I start copying that
text and replacing any occurrence of punctuation characters and
parenthesis by spaces and then applying #splitOn: ' ' to the new string.
I made this by the chunk of code at [3], but seems inelegant and trying
to use cascades and ending in #yourself didn't make the trick.
cookedText1 := originalText.
cookedText1 := cookedText1 copyReplaceAll: ',' with: ' '.
cookedText1 := cookedText1 copyReplaceAll: ';' with: ' '.
cookedText1 := cookedText1 copyReplaceAll: '.' with: ' '.
cookedText1 := cookedText1 copyReplaceAll: ':' with: ' '.
cookedText1 := cookedText1 copyReplaceAll: ')' with: ' '.
cookedText1 := cookedText1 copyReplaceAll: '(' with: ' '.
So here come my questions:
a) There is any form to replace code at [3] by a more elegant
Smalltalk-ish way so I can have only words no matter if they are
separated by spaces, punctuation marks of starting/ending with parenthesis?
b) Why some uninteresting words like the Spanish 'La' or 'Se' are still
getting their way in the final visualization even if I try to evade them
with the code at [4]
(cookedText1 splitOn: ' ') do: [:word |
((word size > 1) & (uninterestingWords includes: word asLowercase) not)
ifTrue: [cookedText2 := cookedText2, word, ' ']].
And my suggestion:
Please consider making tag clouds with variable layouts and forms.
Python has something similar with [5]
[5] http://sebastianraschka.com/Articles/2014_twitter_wordcloud.html
I will be waiting for your suggestions and thanks for keeping
Pharo/Moose awesome!
Hi all,
I realized that currently, it is not possible to inspect elements in the
GLMRosassal2 presentation when they are created, as it works only on
elements created at the initialization in:
I think the new elements added to the RTView should be inspectable in the
A possible solution would be to GLMRoassal2Presentation to observe the
RTView and when notified of creation of a new element, add the interaction
to the new element ?
v := RTView new.
v add: ((RTBox new size: 40) elementOn: x).
v elements when: TRMouseRightClick do: [ | b |
b := ((RTBox new size: 40) elementOn: x).
v add: b.
b translateBy: (x := x + 50)@0.
v signalUpdate ].
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1118 by sean.p.d...(a)gmail.com: GT Inspector: Double Click Doesn't
Always Select Text Properly
In Pharo #40589
It took me a while to figure out that GT has a feature I've wanted for a
long time: when you activate a workspace by clicking, the selection is
preserved. Very cool! One thing though, where it also took me a while to
figure out what was going on...
1. Type in the playground:
2. "Go" to bring up a second pane - doesn't matter which
3. Click in the second pane to put the keyboard focus there
4. Double click on one of the lines in pane #1
It is selected - great!
5. Repeat #3
6. Double click on the unselected line
The selection will be cleared, but the other line will not be selected.
NB: an interesting thing is that if you do the above exercise with a text
editor outside the same GT window, like another GT Inspector, steps 5 and 6
work correctly just like the previous.
You received this message because this project is configured to send all
issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
Keep up the good work! It is getting better all the time.
- I wanted to search for source, not source: or something starting with
I thought perhaps typing a space after source would reduce the result
- I tried selecting the list of implementors with the mouse, but was
only able to
do so after moving the selection to the first of the implementors.
I've loaded GTPlayground and GTInspector in my 3.0 image.
Works nice.
Now, I needed to search a string in a string show in the String tab.
There seemed to be no way to do that.
Is there a shortcut key?
I have a large piece of text and I missed that feature.
Got away by copy/pasting to an old workspace and searching from there.
TIA for the pointer.
Packages in MooseAlgos are quite independent of Moose. I wonder if it would be good to have them as an independent project. In fact, they are not far from being independent (some dependencies to break) but the name of the project does not reflect that. Maybe it is something that prevents other developers to use these algorithms. I personally think MooseAlgos will benefit from a name without Moose. 'Algos' is not a good name and it is difficult to find a good one because there are algorithms for graphs (mostly), clustering, and matrix. There is also a package with code under the BSD license. Need to split? Name ideas?
Here are the dependencies (only static analysis, I do not know if there are some runtime dependencies not detected) :
Moose-Algos-Graph has a dependency on Moose-Core because Moose-Algos-Graph defines an extension method cyclesToAll: for MooseGroup. It is very strange. #cyclesToAll: is only called by FAMIXNamespaceGroup>>#cyclesToAllProviderNamespaces in the Famix-Extensions package. This methods has no senders. Either MooseGroup>>#cyclesToAll and FAMIXNamespaceGroup>>#cyclesToAllProviderNamespaces should be removed or moved MooseGroup>>#cyclesToAll should be moved to #FAMIXNamespaceGroup. WDYT?
Moose-Algos-Clusturing depends on Moose-Core because MalClusterEngine>>performClusteringShowProgress: references MooseCustomTask. I don't know how to break this dependency.
Best regards,