> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Sven Van Caekenberghe <sven(a)stfx.eu>
> Subject: [Pharo-users] [ ANN ] Pharo Days 2016
> Date: December 9, 2015 at 9:52:09 AM EST
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users(a)lists.pharo.org>, Pharo Development List <pharo-dev(a)lists.pharo.org>, Pharo Business <pharo-business(a)lists.pharo.org>
> Reply-To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users(a)lists.pharo.org>
> Dear …
[View More]fellow Pharoers,
> Mark your calendars: on Thursday March 31 & Friday April 1 we are organising the Pharo Days 2016. This year we moved the location to Namur, Belgium, just a bit south of Brussels, at the very beautiful location of the ‘Cercle de Wallonie’ overlooking the river Meuse.
> We’ll update the following page moving forward.
> https://medium.com/concerning-pharo/pharo-days-2016-c52fe4d7caf
> You can ask questions on any of the Pharo mailing lists or you can email the Pharo Board.
> Let's make this another success, together ! We hope to see as many of you as possible.
"We are all great at making mistakes."
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I'm totally new to Moose (and effectively new to Smalltalk) and need a
pointer or two on analyzing an old application that was developed in Visual
C++ 2006. I have the complete sources, including the Visual Studio project
files, resource files, etc.
I've already got Pharo and Moose installed on my Windows system and have
been able to get the Moose playground to run, but that's about it. So far I
don't know how to get Moose to do anything else.
My initial goal is just to get this source code "…
[View More]loaded" into Moose.
I've seen references to VerveineC-Cpp and Famix-C but no explanation of how
to use either one.
I haven't had an opportunity yet to try VerveineC-Cpp on Windows 10 at my
On my personal Mac (i.e. not on the office system where I actually need to
do this work) I installed Eclipse Oxygen and tried to follow the very
limited directions to install VerveineC-Cpp, but Eclipse complains about the
build path.
Maybe Eclipse Mars is needed instead of Jupiter? It also looks like I might
need to use the old, deprecated Java V1.7 for MacOS, instead of a current
version of Java? (Hopefully I won't need an older version of MacOS. I'm
running Sierra V10.12 with all updates as of this writing.)
Maybe that would all be more straightforward somehow on Windows?
(I also have Linux at work, if that would be any easier.)
As for Famix-C, I see that it appears to be "built in" to the Moose
environment that I installed at work and at home. But I don't know how to
make it do anything.
I greatly appreciate any hints or suggestions. I'm very eager to begin using
Moose and to (re)learn Smalltalk, especially in the Pharo environment which
looks really fascinating.
(Trivia: Back in the early 1990's or thereabouts, while taking a graduate
course in operating system design, I learned enough Smalltalk to get me
started on writing an emulator for the simple machine specification the
professor gave us. But a single academic quarter, roughly three months, just
wasn't enough time to both learn a totally new, object oriented programming
paradigm /and/ use it to complete such a program, while also holding down a
full time job and leading a regular life. :-) But I did write a good paper
explaining my ideas and how far I'd actually been able to carry them. The
professor was understanding, liked my concept, and I managed to get a B+
grade for the course.)
Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Moose-f1310756.html
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the old Famix implementation has some irregularly defined relations in
parts related to C/C++ meta-metamodels and we should not move them this way
to the compatibility metamodel defined in new Famix.
So I would like to ask, is anyone of you using C/C++ models in practice
now? If not, we do not need to bother with the keeping of the backward
compatibility for every price.
Thank you
-- Pavel
We are happy to announce roslyn2famix, a C# importer. It is based on Roslyn, and was mainly developed by George Ganea. It is released under Apache 2.0, the same license as Roslyn:
The importer has a structure similar to the one of jdt2famix, including a Fame implementation in C#, and FAMIX code generated out of the Moose code. We also have a few CSharp specific entities that are already present in Moose-CSharp.
The importer takes as input a C# …
[View More]solution (.sln), and produces an MSE file that can be loaded in the latest Moose.
The feenk team
"Be rather willing to give than demanding to get."
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Hi all,
And now it looks like I will need to analyze a part of our own code, written in C#. Is there a parser for C# in Moose and if so, how extensive/solid is it?
Johan Fabry, Senior Software Engineer.
johan(a)raincode.com | Email too brief? Here's why! http://emailcharter.org
I would like to make my GTInspector views work well with different font
sizes. In particular, some people find the default Pharo font too small and
want to switch to a larger one.
The main problem is that my tables have their column width specified in
pixels. The values are chosen to make good use of screen space with the
default font size, but it becomes unreadable with a larger font that
doesn't fit.
How should I solve this?
The first idea that comes to mind is to invent my own units that …
[View More]are scaled
according to system font size when converted to pixels. I wonder if there
is a better known solution already though.
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