We are happy to announce that the moldable editor helped us create a richer transcript: GT Transcript.
The transcript is traditionally a stream of plain text. As we now have an elaborate editor, we can take advantage of it to help us display richer representations.
The API is backward compatible with the existing transcript. To enable the new features, we introduced a builder. For example:
transcript nextPutAll: ‘something’
transcript next putAll: ‘something’
and after #next we can add multiple attributes that we want to affect the following insertion of a text.
Below you can find an example detailing most of the API. The most notable additions is the support for expandable adornments. For example, #showException: provides an in-place expansion of the stack of the exception context.
To get an idea of how this tool can be useful, take a look at the following video showing the visual logging of a Bloc animation:
The code can be found in the new incarnation of GToolkit:
Iceberg enableMetacelloIntegration: true.
Metacello new
baseline: 'GToolkit';
repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit/src';
The feenk team
“Software has no shape. Actually, it has no one shape. It has many."
When we announced the GT Documenter as an application for the moldable editor, one of the remarks was that GT Examples implementation relies too much on pragma magic.
We are now happy to announce that this is no longer the case because Andrei did a great job and rebuilt examples without the need for static pragmas for specifying dependencies.
So, now we can example dependencies simply through normal calls:
^ GtMondrian new
view := self emptyView
view nodes with: {1 . 2}
... and the engine can figure out the static dependencies. This means that examples can be used both as plain unary methods, and as replacement for tests. We think this should address the worry of examples being too heavy (the current implementation is ~350 lines).
With a bit of extra effort, we also adapted GT Documenter to expand the example dependencies as seen below. This means that examples can now be used directly as units of documentation as well.
We think this is significant.
The feenk team
"We are all great at making mistakes."