> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Sven Van Caekenberghe <sven(a)stfx.eu>
> Subject: [Pharo-users] [ ANN ] Pharo Days 2016
> Date: December 9, 2015 at 9:52:09 AM EST
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users(a)lists.pharo.org>, Pharo Development List <pharo-dev(a)lists.pharo.org>, Pharo Business <pharo-business(a)lists.pharo.org>
> Reply-To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users(a)lists.pharo.org>
> Dear fellow Pharoers,
> Mark your calendars: on Thursday March 31 & Friday April 1 we are organising the Pharo Days 2016. This year we moved the location to Namur, Belgium, just a bit south of Brussels, at the very beautiful location of the ‘Cercle de Wallonie’ overlooking the river Meuse.
> We’ll update the following page moving forward.
> https://medium.com/concerning-pharo/pharo-days-2016-c52fe4d7caf
> You can ask questions on any of the Pharo mailing lists or you can email the Pharo Board.
> Let's make this another success, together ! We hope to see as many of you as possible.
"We are all great at making mistakes."
Is there a way to set a default selection to a list presentation? so that
when I open the browser, the morphic list has already a value selected.
I tried that:
tmpBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
tmpBrowser row: #list.
tmpBrowser transmit to: #list; andShow: [:a |
a list
display: [:input | input];
selection: #a;
tmpBrowser openOn: #( b c d v a d f r).
but the list still open with nothing selected
Alex Syrel, Andrei Chis and I are happy to announce a new addition to the
Glamorous Toolkit:
GTSpotter, a novel interface for spotting objects.
GTSpotter has two goals:
- Provide a uniform yet moldable interface that can work on any object, and
- Handle searching through arbitrary levels of object nesting.
We think this will have a significant impact on the development workflow in
Here is a couple of screenshots:
[image: Inline image 2] [image: Inline image 1] [image: Inline image 3]
A trailer is available here:
A detailed description is available here:
It works already in Pharo 3.0 and can be played with by following the
instructions from:
Please let us know what you think.
The Glamorous Team
Hi Moose users,
as you may know, at Synectique we experiment lots of issues about memory
That's why i had a look at the number of unused instance variables in one
of our system loaded with a big model from one of our main customer.
Total instance variables: 26.852.653
Used instance variables: 17.393.938
Empty collections: 5.023.508
Recoverable instance variables: 14.482.223
The recoverable instance variables are those with nil or an empty
collection (or MultiValueLink)
As you can see, we can save a lot of memory :-)
Here is my (dirty) code to get that:
countUsedInstanceVariableInForSubInstances: aClass
| usedInstNbr instNbr emptyCollNbr |
usedInstNbr := 0.
instNbr := 0.
emptyCollNbr := 0.
allSubInstancesDo: [ :anEntity |
instNbr := instNbr + anEntity class allInstVarNames size.
anEntity class allInstVarNames
doWithIndex: [ :e :i |
(anEntity instVarAt: i)
ifNotNil: [ :content |
content isEmpty.
emptyCollNbr := emptyCollNbr + 1.
false ]
on: MessageNotUnderstood
do: [ false ])
ifFalse: [ usedInstNbr := usedInstNbr + 1 ] ] ] ].
^ {('Used instance variables' -> usedInstNbr).
('empty collections' -> emptyCollNbr).
('Recoverable instance variables' -> (instNbr - (usedInstNbr -
('Total instance variables' -> instNbr)}
*Guillaume Larcheveque*
Just some quick feedback... in the "Moose Suite 6.0 (beta)" image from
PharoLauncher I opened World > Roassal > Roasasal Examples
Nice interface, but for the category "Grapher - Overall" I find there are
too many items,
such that even the text labels are too small to read. It might be better
to split this out to a few more categories.
cheers -ben
I loaded Roassal into Pharo 60411 and tried #exampleElasticBoxZoom.
I select a major portion of the graph, but it zooms down onto one of the
tiny axis tick-marks. Is there an issue tracker that is a better place to
report this?
cheers -ben
P.S. I was trying to run Moose 6.0 (beta) from Pharo Launcher on top of
a recent VM Feb 22 2017. It was locking up and crashing and I wasn't sure
how the versions aligned, so switching to loading Roassal from catalog
into 60411 has been running fine.
when I override a method with a GTInspector (because I need to change it),
then inspector contains the extension twice.
It seems Inspector scans the whole hierarchy of the inspected object for methods, but doesn't deduplicate them.
I'm wondering if it's in the scope of Moose to get to the standard CK
metrics for a model? It seems it's been done experimentally (
and I also found the momfe paper from 2002 (
http://scg.unibe.ch/archive/projects/Bute02a.pdf) but appeared not to have
all the CK metrics.
I also found the right-click on a Moose Model -> Export -> Export model to
MSE, but there was nothing that looked like standard CK metrics in the
exported file.
We are particularly trying to generate CBO (for a research comparison) for
a few classes and would like to be able to do all our work in Moose if
possible (especially with the visualizations in a RTView).
C. Fuhrman
On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 11:58 AM, Hernán Morales Durand <
hernan.morales(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Do you have good reference links to publications (yours or from other
> people) which uses Moose metrics for example in a "Material and Methods"
> section?
> I mean *not* Moose projects publications (projects derived from Moose),
> but those projects which uses Moose analysis to report Cyclomatic
> Complexity, Halstead Length, WMC, DIT, CBO, etc . I want to see what and
> how people reports metrics for a software project using Moose. If
> publication is in a Journal outside of the field of Software Engineering
> field that would be better.
> Cheers,
> Hernán
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev
Hello everyone,
I found something I find odd today. The method #numberOfLinesOfCodes is
defined on the Behavioral entities. I would have expected it on the
Sourced entities because if an entity has sources it should have a
number of lines of code.
What do you think?
Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France
I wanted to ask about Bloc:
1) how stable is the API? e.g. if some overhaul changes to unify/whatever are planned
2) I saw in the techtalk that you can align elements (to center, bottom, ...), however is that possible with lines? Lines have to rotate, morph shape, etc.
3) Are non-straight lines possible? (e.g. bezier, arc)
The idea for me is to make a simple mindmap
- elements with some text, icons, math symbols inside
- connectors (non-straight lines) between elements
To me (apart from the lines) it seems like it should be already doable.
Also either my (Morphic) Pharo is really slow, or Bloc (in the video) is superfast (everything is happening instantly).