> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Sven Van Caekenberghe <sven(a)stfx.eu>
> Subject: [Pharo-users] [ ANN ] Pharo Days 2016
> Date: December 9, 2015 at 9:52:09 AM EST
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users(a)lists.pharo.org>, Pharo Development List <pharo-dev(a)lists.pharo.org>, Pharo Business <pharo-business(a)lists.pharo.org>
> Reply-To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users(a)lists.pharo.org>
> Dear fellow Pharoers,
> Mark your calendars: on Thursday March 31 & Friday April 1 we are organising the Pharo Days 2016. This year we moved the location to Namur, Belgium, just a bit south of Brussels, at the very beautiful location of the ‘Cercle de Wallonie’ overlooking the river Meuse.
> We’ll update the following page moving forward.
> https://medium.com/concerning-pharo/pharo-days-2016-c52fe4d7caf
> You can ask questions on any of the Pharo mailing lists or you can email the Pharo Board.
> Let's make this another success, together ! We hope to see as many of you as possible.
"We are all great at making mistakes."
Is there a way to set a default selection to a list presentation? so that
when I open the browser, the morphic list has already a value selected.
I tried that:
tmpBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
tmpBrowser row: #list.
tmpBrowser transmit to: #list; andShow: [:a |
a list
display: [:input | input];
selection: #a;
tmpBrowser openOn: #( b c d v a d f r).
but the list still open with nothing selected
Alex Syrel, Andrei Chis and I are happy to announce a new addition to the
Glamorous Toolkit:
GTSpotter, a novel interface for spotting objects.
GTSpotter has two goals:
- Provide a uniform yet moldable interface that can work on any object, and
- Handle searching through arbitrary levels of object nesting.
We think this will have a significant impact on the development workflow in
Here is a couple of screenshots:
[image: Inline image 2] [image: Inline image 1] [image: Inline image 3]
A trailer is available here:
A detailed description is available here:
It works already in Pharo 3.0 and can be played with by following the
instructions from:
Please let us know what you think.
The Glamorous Team
I am playing a bit with RTMondrian and I cannot seem to be able to connect nested nodes. I am trying this:
view := RTMondrian new.
view nodes: (1 to: 2) forEach: [ :each |
view node: each * 10 ].
view edges source: {10->20} connectFrom: #key to: #value.
Given the advanced time, it might well be that I am missing something obvious. Or is it a regression?
"We are all great at making mistakes."
Thank you Alex.
It is just perfect. I will try theses out and keep you informed.
> On 25 Oct 2016, at 12:00, moose-dev-request(a)list.inf.unibe.ch wrote:
> From: Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>
> To: Moose-related development <moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch>
> Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Moose-dev Digest, Vol 122, Issue 16
> Message-ID: <71AC7331-B09D-4B75-BB7E-9B57FC02F97A(a)me.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Do you have any particular exercise?
> Here are some links:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/bimp0wpkwewdksq/02-FirstContactWithMoose.pdf?dl=0 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/bimp0wpkwewdksq/02-FirstContactWithMoose.pdf?dl=0>
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dj579b2g5dhlry/03-Pharo.pdf?dl=0 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dj579b2g5dhlry/03-Pharo.pdf?dl=0>
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/vadoc20npmfg5c0/04-Roassal.pdf?dl=0
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/xqcvnodsfer7c7q/05-Tarea1.pdf?dl=0
> I can give you the source using the Keynote file format if you wish. Let me know
>> - What kind of criteria do you as them?
> Cross-cutting concern, dependencies, code size are usually easy to spot.
>> - How do you ask them to characterize the architecture and do the software assessment?
> 05-Tarea1.pdf mentions this.
>> - How do you use visualizations?
> 04-Roassal.pdf is about that.
>> It would be nice to have the feedback from someone that has already made the experiment ;)
> Let me know if this helps
> Alexandre
>> Abdelghani
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 13:32:25 -0300
>>> From: Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>
>>> To: Moose-related development <moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch>
>>> Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Lab exercices with Moose
>>> Message-ID: <85E53AB9-56F0-47A7-8BD5-5CAC4C27095B(a)me.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>> Hi!
>>> I use Moose in Software Quality lecture. At the beginning of the semester, Students do not know Pharo.
>>> They therefore have 1,5 weeks to learn Pharo. I ask them to read the first chapters of Pharo by Example and the chapter I.2 of AgileVisualization (http://agilevisualization.com).
>>> Then they have to read Chapter III.4 of AgileVisualization to have an introduction of Moose. Then comes the time for them to work on a software quality assessment. They pick any Java application and analyze it (e.g., characterize the overall architecture, identify some quality criteria, and do the software assessment).
>>> Alexandre
>>>> On Oct 21, 2016, at 2:30 AM, Abdelghani Alidra <alidrandco(a)yahoo.fr> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> For my students, I would like to illustrate some code analysis operations (mainly metrics calculation and some visualisations) with Moose. I was wondering if any one has already made the experiment and if there exist some lab exercices I can base my self on.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Abdelghani
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Moose-dev mailing list
>>>> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
>>>> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev <https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev>
Hi Anne,
Thanks for your message.
Please send me the support when you finish it. I am sure it will help a lot.
> Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 16:17:09 +0200
> From: Anne Etien <anne.etien(a)univ-lille1.fr>
> To: Moose-related development <moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch>
> Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Lab exercices with Moose
> Message-ID: <6FCCD28E-49E9-4039-8561-7EA1267191BE(a)univ-lille1.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Hi,
> I also use Moose in my course but I have not yet finished the support. I will send you them in a couple of days when finished.
> I use Moose to try to understand a program that students do not know.
> Anne
>> Le 21 oct. 2016 à 18:32, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com> a écrit :
>> Hi!
>> I use Moose in Software Quality lecture. At the beginning of the semester, Students do not know Pharo.
>> They therefore have 1,5 weeks to learn Pharo. I ask them to read the first chapters of Pharo by Example and the chapter I.2 of AgileVisualization (http://agilevisualization.com).
>> Then they have to read Chapter III.4 of AgileVisualization to have an introduction of Moose. Then comes the time for them to work on a software quality assessment. They pick any Java application and analyze it (e.g., characterize the overall architecture, identify some quality criteria, and do the software assessment).
>> Alexandre
>>> On Oct 21, 2016, at 2:30 AM, Abdelghani Alidra <alidrandco(a)yahoo.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> For my students, I would like to illustrate some code analysis operations (mainly metrics calculation and some visualisations) with Moose. I was wondering if any one has already made the experiment and if there exist some lab exercices I can base my self on.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Abdelghani
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Moose-dev mailing list
>>> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
>>> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev
Hi Doru,
Thanks for the link ;)
> On 25 Oct 2016, at 12:00, moose-dev-request(a)list.inf.unibe.ch wrote:
> Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 21:16:57 +0200
> From: Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com <mailto:tudor@tudorgirba.com>>
> To: Moose-related development <moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch <mailto:moose-dev@list.inf.unibe.ch>>
> Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Moose-dev Digest, Vol 122, Issue 16
> Message-ID: <72E2F438-2212-401B-B9A2-499146BF05D2(a)tudorgirba.com <mailto:72E2F438-2212-401B-B9A2-499146BF05D2@tudorgirba.com>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Hi,
> The current draft of The Moose Book contains an introductory chapter that offers 3 hands-on exercises. I use these for tutorials with professional programmers:
> http://themoosebook.org <http://themoosebook.org/>
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On Oct 24, 2016, at 8:45 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <offray.luna(a)mutabit.com <mailto:offray.luna@mutabit.com>> wrote:
>> Thanks Alexandre and Abdelghani. This recent discussions on first approaches to Pharo, Moose and Agile Visualization are pretty interesting and the supporting material is also.
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
>> On 24/10/16 09:05, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>>> Do you have any particular exercise?
>>> Here are some links:
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/bimp0wpkwewdksq/02-FirstContactWithMoose.pdf?dl=0 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/bimp0wpkwewdksq/02-FirstContactWithMoose.pdf?dl=0>
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dj579b2g5dhlry/03-Pharo.pdf?dl=0 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dj579b2g5dhlry/03-Pharo.pdf?dl=0>
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/vadoc20npmfg5c0/04-Roassal.pdf?dl=0 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/vadoc20npmfg5c0/04-Roassal.pdf?dl=0>
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/xqcvnodsfer7c7q/05-Tarea1.pdf?dl=0 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/xqcvnodsfer7c7q/05-Tarea1.pdf?dl=0>
>>> I can give you the source using the Keynote file format if you wish. Let me know
>>>> - What kind of criteria do you as them?
>>> Cross-cutting concern, dependencies, code size are usually easy to spot.
>>>> - How do you ask them to characterize the architecture and do the software assessment?
>>> 05-Tarea1.pdf mentions this.
>>>> - How do you use visualizations?
>>> 04-Roassal.pdf is about that.
>>>> It would be nice to have the feedback from someone that has already made the experiment ;)
>>> Let me know if this helps
>>> Alexandre
>>>> Abdelghani
>>>>> Message: 1
>>>>> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 13:32:25 -0300
>>>>> From: Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com <mailto:alexandre.bergel@me.com>>
>>>>> To: Moose-related development <moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch <mailto:moose-dev@list.inf.unibe.ch>>
>>>>> Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Lab exercices with Moose
>>>>> Message-ID: <85E53AB9-56F0-47A7-8BD5-5CAC4C27095B(a)me.com <mailto:85E53AB9-56F0-47A7-8BD5-5CAC4C27095B@me.com>>
>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> I use Moose in Software Quality lecture. At the beginning of the semester, Students do not know Pharo.
>>>>> They therefore have 1,5 weeks to learn Pharo. I ask them to read the first chapters of Pharo by Example and the chapter I.2 of AgileVisualization (http://agilevisualization.com <http://agilevisualization.com/>).
>>>>> Then they have to read Chapter III.4 of AgileVisualization to have an introduction of Moose. Then comes the time for them to work on a software quality assessment. They pick any Java application and analyze it (e.g., characterize the overall architecture, identify some quality criteria, and do the software assessment).
>>>>> Alexandre
>>>>>> On Oct 21, 2016, at 2:30 AM, Abdelghani Alidra <alidrandco(a)yahoo.fr <mailto:alidrandco@yahoo.fr>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> For my students, I would like to illustrate some code analysis operations (mainly metrics calculation and some visualisations) with Moose. I was wondering if any one has already made the experiment and if there exist some lab exercices I can base my self on.
>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>> Abdelghani
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Moose-dev mailing list
>>>>>> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
>>>>>> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev <https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev>
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> Subject: Digest Footer
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Moose-dev mailing list
>>>>> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
>>>>> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev <https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev>
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> End of Moose-dev Digest, Vol 122, Issue 16
>>>>> ******************************************
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Moose-dev mailing list
>>>> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
>>>> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev <https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Moose-dev mailing list
>>> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
>>> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev <https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev>
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
>> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev <https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev>
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com <http://www.tudorgirba.com/>
> www.feenk.com <http://www.feenk.com/>
> "We can create beautiful models in a vacuum.
> But, to get them effective we have to deal with the inconvenience of reality."
I am working on a new The Moose Book. You can see the current draft here:
In the current form, it covers about 40% of what I want to have at the end. My target is to get a first complete version ready until Spring 2017. The book targets Moose 6.1, although most parts will work with Moose 6.0.
The book is written in Pillar. A secondary goal for this book is to build a book editor with tools in Pharo. The current book was generated directly from Pharo without using the command line. The current code is in book GitHub repository, but the end goal is to have these tools working separately from the book.
Please let me know what you think.
The book repo is here:
"Every thing has its own flow."
Thank you Alex,
Do you have any particular exercice?
- What kind of criteria do you as them?
- How do you ask them to characterize the architecture and do the software assessment?
- How do you use visualisations?
It would be nice to have the feedback from someone that has already made the experiment ;)
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 13:32:25 -0300
> From: Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>
> To: Moose-related development <moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch>
> Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Lab exercices with Moose
> Message-ID: <85E53AB9-56F0-47A7-8BD5-5CAC4C27095B(a)me.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi!
> I use Moose in Software Quality lecture. At the beginning of the semester, Students do not know Pharo.
> They therefore have 1,5 weeks to learn Pharo. I ask them to read the first chapters of Pharo by Example and the chapter I.2 of AgileVisualization (http://agilevisualization.com).
> Then they have to read Chapter III.4 of AgileVisualization to have an introduction of Moose. Then comes the time for them to work on a software quality assessment. They pick any Java application and analyze it (e.g., characterize the overall architecture, identify some quality criteria, and do the software assessment).
> Alexandre
>> On Oct 21, 2016, at 2:30 AM, Abdelghani Alidra <alidrandco(a)yahoo.fr> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For my students, I would like to illustrate some code analysis operations (mainly metrics calculation and some visualisations) with Moose. I was wondering if any one has already made the experiment and if there exist some lab exercices I can base my self on.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Abdelghani
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
>> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> Moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch
> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev
> ------------------------------
> End of Moose-dev Digest, Vol 122, Issue 16
> ******************************************
For my students, I would like to illustrate some code analysis operations (mainly metrics calculation and some visualisations) with Moose. I was wondering if any one has already made the experiment and if there exist some lab exercices I can base my self on.
Thanks in advance.